Monday, August 1, 2016

Corporate Media and Neocon Propaganda Will Get Millions Killed, By Joe Clifford


Nightly corporate news, recently featured two stories on the same night that were terrific examples of corporate media practicing incredibly good propaganda techniques. Did you get you taken in by them?  Herman Goering would be very proud of our corporate media propaganda tactics and skills.

First came the story of the alleged Russian hacking of the e-mails of the DNC.  Mind boggling as it was, the networks just repeated the mantra that those nasty Russians did this, but never offered one shred of evidence to support their outrageous accusation.  A couple of “anonymous “sources were mentioned, but not a bit of proof. Not the slightest bit of proof. It was an exercise in pure propaganda. Over and over in the reporting, Russia was blamed without citing any evidence.  The fact is, no one knows who hacked the DNC, but a great American hero Edward Snowden, said if the Russians did it the NSA would know it right away. They don’t know it!!  This is just an outstanding example of neocon war rhetoric and the demonizing of the target for the future war that the US is provoking between the US and Russia.  

For the sake of argument, let’s assume the Russians did in fact hack the DNC.  Is that any worse than the US government tapping the phones of almost every world leader?  Why, if the Russians are so evil for doing this, is it not mentioned that we have been caught doing far worse? Is Obama worse than Putin for tapping the phones and emails of world leaders, or is it ok if we do it, but not for others? How many times will the public fall for the same corporate media trick?

Corporate media serves as a mouthpiece for the official government line, and it also serves the neocon need for blood and war with Russia. Do you really want a war with Russia?  You had better turn off the propaganda machine and tune in to alternative news, so we don’t have a nuclear war with a rebuilt and powerful Russia. What could cause a nuclear war with Russia??  How about overthrowing a democratically elected pro-Russian leader in the Ukraine, how about installing nuclear equipped missiles all around Russia, how about sending the US navy into Russia’s back yard in the Baltic Sea, how about conducting war games 300 yards from the Russian border, and how about blaming Putin and Russia for hacking the DNC without on bit of evidence? How many pokes at the Russian bear before he turns on you with nuclear violence?? Putin recently spoke at length with international journalists and told them they were not reporting on the seriousness of the possible nuclear confrontation with the US. He said he was extremely worried because people have not been told just how serous this confrontation has become.

Folks, corporate media and neocons are brewing something very horrible for the world. Tune into what is going on, by tuning out corporate media, before you find yourself in a nuclear holocaust.


Matt Franko said...

"Neo cons" don't want war with Russia this Russia stuff is 100% Democrat policy....

"Neocons" are just interested in mena as the situation there relates to the security of Israel...

Matt Franko said...

This media is more important wrt "neocons":

Tom Hickey said...

"Neo cons" don't want war with Russia this Russia stuff is 100% Democrat policy....

"Neocons" are just interested in mena as the situation there relates to the security of Israel...

The chief neocons operationally are the Kagan family. Victoria Nuland, who runs the Eastern European portfolio for the State Department is Robert Kagan's wife.

Why are the neocons so interested in Russia if they are chiefly instructed in Israel? Israel's chief antagonist in the region is Iran and Russia and Iran are allies.

Tom Hickey said...

Yes, I imagine the "neocons" are telling that to the Europeans, telling them to relax

Not exactly. Victoria Nuland of the neocon Kagan family famously said, "Fuck the EU."