Thursday, August 11, 2016

PUTIN SENDS DIRE WARNING TO HUMANITY - Just a Matter of Time & The Sheeple Are Asleep

Alex Jones isn't all bad, although I'm on the liberal left he does get some things right. He recently employed a young Russian woman to translate what Putin says because the media here just twists and distorts everything he says.

Here Putin warns Western journalists about how the Western Elite are driving the world towards WW3. He says that our leaders are building up for war but the people in the West are not being informed about these grave dangers. 'I just don't seem to be able to get through to you people anymore', says Putin in despair to Western journalists. But he knows they won't report the real news. Six companies control our media and they just report what the corporations want.

Shocking! But not many people in the West know anything about this. The propaganda is total.


Peter Pan said...

I imagine an ICBM coming down on the homeland will send a clear message.

Peter Pan said...

Putin should realize that ordinary people in the west are not in charge of foreign policy and geopolitics. So when the leadership goes insane, there is nothing to check it.

Peter Pan said...

Alex Jones Youtube channel has over 1 million subscribers. It's good that he's presenting this.

Kaivey said...

Do you know, I really appreciate what he doing. Greg Palast likes him too, even though their politics are different.

Peter Pan said...

Did you see the version with PCR?

Kaivey said...

I must have missed it. Is there a link?

Peter Pan said...

Alex Jones channel - interview with PCR:

Kaivey said...

Thanks, Bob.