Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Russell Paul La Valle — Obama uses his words to craft his own alternate reality

On President Barack Obama’s first day in office he declared, “Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.” In 2013, Politifacts voted, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” as the “Lie of the Year.” In April of 2014, a Fox News poll asked registered voters, “How often does Barack Obama lie to the country on important matters?” Thirty-seven percent said he lied “most of the time,” twenty-four percent said “some of the time,” and twenty percent thought “now and then”—translating into eight in ten respondents believing their President lies to them, to some degree, on important matters.Why does President Obama continue to deceive the American people? And why doesn’t it seem to matter to him?….
Russell Paul La Valle, contributor


Ryan Harris said...

Imagine waking up everyday and having national security types give you run down on what they think is important and how they interpret the events in the world. It would have a profound impact on anyone's thinking.

Unknown said...

How can you tell when O is lying? His lips are moving. Sorry, I couldn't resist and it is true.