Monday, December 12, 2016

Alex Christoforou — NYT reporter who sold the world on WMDs, Judith Miller, is now pushing the “Russian election hack” lie [Video]

The New York Times journalist who sold the world on WMDs is back to sell the story of "Russia election hacking"
This is becoming a bad joke.

The Duran
NYT reporter who sold the world on WMDs, Judith Miller, is now pushing the “Russian election hack” lie [Video]
Alex Christoforou

1 comment:

John said...

Miller isn't the problem. She's always been a gigantic liar. It's the gullible fools who are prepared to listen to her obvious lies, and then disseminate them as if they come from a reliable source. Even for the NYT, an institution fanatically dedicated to lying, her so-called reporting was nothing but downright lies.