I know looks bad on the surface, but lets face it this is a small price to pay for an increased ability to acquire ever more USD balances...
#Beijing today: pollution red alert issued pic.twitter.com/rXeW3Xnvpw
— People's Daily,China (@PDChina) December 17, 2016
China is pursuing a developmental strategy based on urbanization along with the conversion of traditional agriculture by a peasantry to mechanized agribusiness — just like the developed world did in its developmental process that transformed agricultural workers to industrial workers.
Cities are pollution centers.
Nothing to see here.
Well maybe they could jack hammer open their wallets and come off some of that pile of $1.2T USDs they are jerking off onto or wtf they are doing with it and buy some catalytic converters from the US....
this wouldnt even cut into their own domestic production/employment as they obviously arent even making any there now...
orrrrrrrrr maybe instead just take some USDs buy the US catalytic converter firm and just keep selling the converters in the US to make EVEN MORE USDs for their account and the hell with clean air in China...
Actually China is working hard to address both pollution and climate change.
Some numbers on it.
China’s Five Year Plan to radically tighten air pollution targets ± Published on 11/03/2016
Meanwhile, Trump has promised to gut the EPA. I guess US firms cannot afford catalytic converters.
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