Wednesday, December 14, 2016

John Amato — Trump Tosses Veiled Threat At Paul Ryan During Wisconsin Rally

Trump continued his "thank you tour" with a rally in Wisconsin yesterday, where he compared Speaker Paul Ryan to a fine wine. He said, "I'll tell you he has been terrific and you know, honestly, he's like a fine wine. Every day goes by I get to appreciate his genius more and more."
You would think that should be good news or the Speaker since he's had many public spats with president elect Trump and he's not popular with alt right Trump supporters.
However, Trump followed that up by saying, "Now, if he ever goes against me I'm not going to say that."
In other words, you're great until you disagree with me and if that happens, I'll destroy you in the media....


Matt Franko said...

I think its inevitable that those two have it out... Trump will win...

Schofield said...

Trump needs to put Mitch McConnell in his place too, another monetary system illiterate.

Peter Pan said...

2017 may turn out a bad vintage.