Friday, December 16, 2016

Salman Rafi Sheikh — Obama is Digging an anti-Russia Hole for Donald Trump

As a matter of fact, a strong Russia-China détente is itself a legacy of Obama’s containment strategies that he has been following since 2008. Therefore, while there could be differences between Russia and China on a host of issues, their economic relations may look anaemic to the US policy makers and their energy deals may remain fraught, the development of the strategic partnership is on an upward curve nonetheless, drawing impetus from shared normative understandings of regional and global politics where both are united by their opposition to the American hegemony.
Therefore, while the US policy makers continue to base their policies on the unreal assumption that Russia-China differences are ‘perennial’, the overall unity of these two countries is no longer in doubt and the potential impact it can leave on the US globally has been invited cautious evaluations from within the US too.
Obama's legacy has been to forge a Russian-Chinese strategic partnership, when most IR experts thought this impossible, by encircling both countries militarily and carrying on belligerently. Now he is determined to double down in his last days in office, driving them closer together out of necessity rather than choice.

The one factor in the world that simultaneously threatens the continued existence of the US, UK and Europe is a Russian-Chinese military alliance, with Russia possessing nuclear parity with the US and upgrading its strategic capabilities with new delivery systems and sophisticated defense. 

Barack Obama managed to create this geopolitical and geostrategic fiasco against all odds, while simultaneously losing both branches of Congress and leaving with two-thirds of governorships in the control of the opposition party, as well as the overwhelming majority of state legislatures and offices.

Brilliant work there.

Obama is Digging an anti-Russia Hole for Donald Trump
Salman Rafi Sheikh, research-analyst of International Relations and Pakistan’s foreign and domestic affairs


Penguin pop said...

If Jimmy Carter had been in office for two terms rather than one, that's what I sort of see in Obama honestly. What a mess.

GLH said...

I am almost seventy and I used to say that Bush was the worst president I had lived under but that was before Obama. Now it is Obama, worst president ever. By the way I read where Larry Kudlow is the new chief economist. Larry Kudlow is the worst economist ever. What a disaster.

Penguin pop said...

am almost seventy and I used to say that Bush was the worst president I had lived under but that was before Obama. Now it is Obama, worst president ever. By the way I read where Larry Kudlow is the new chief economist. Larry Kudlow is the worst economist ever. What a disaster.

With a crap pick like Kudlow, Trump might as well have appointed Peter Schiff or Marc Faber into that role or any of the other clowns out there passing themselves off as "experts." I wasn't surprised either to see Mr. Two Corinthians go the completely wrong direction on this. Either his presidency is going to be absolutely great or absolutely a disaster in itself and I'm not so optimistic about the prospects right now.

Noah Way said...

Worst president ever?

Every president since FDR is worse than his predecessor.