Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jason Ditz — Iranian Protesters Raise Stakes, Attacking Police Stations

Violent crackdowns overnight on Sunday against protesters have led to a violent backlash in Iran, as some of the protesters look to raise the stakes with attacks of their own against police stations, with reports of some posts and stations being set ablaze.…
At least one policeman has been confirmed killed, shot with a hunting rifle, and three others were reported wounded. The killing took place in Najaf Abad, on the outskirts of the major city of Isfahan.
Iranian state TV also reported clashes at unspecified military facilities in the country, where protesters attempted to force their way in and were repelled by “strong resistance” from the troops within....
"Protestors"? People initiating armed insurrection against the government cannot correctly be termed "protestors." Crossing that line make them "insurgents," "rebels," or "terrorists."

I fully expect the lamestream media to use such lame and loaded terminology, but the alternative media, too?

Let's call a spade a spade.

Iranian Protesters Raise Stakes, Attacking Police Stations
Jason Ditz


Fort Russ
"Protesters" attack and burn police station in Iran
Paul Antonopoulos


Matt Franko said...

Trump taking away Pakistan's USD flow now too...

All the USD zombies are going to freak out...

Could be Trump's strategy... ie create chaos in the foreign sector by pulling the USDs...

Tom Hickey said...

It will drive Pakistan into China's orbit, as it has Russia and Iran, and it will further expand the Yuan currency zone.

Furthermore it hasten create in the global financial system between East and West, since China has set up an alternative settlement system to SWIFT to enable avoiding the USD.

This is Russia and China's playbook. Makes Trump look like a Manchurian candidate. Putin and Xi must be ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing).

John said...

"Could be Trump's strategy..."

Trump doesn't have a strategy, or at least what sentient bipedal apes would call a strategy. He's the most clueless bipedal ape I've ever seen. The sooner he gets back to the golf course the better. Until now, no one realised that the best place to devise supremely clever economic and national security strategies was the golf course. Who knew?

Tom's right on the money. Pakistan (as is key Nato ally Turkey) is being pushed into China's orbit. Trump may get some applause for a day or two from India's BJP, but that's all. If India decides in the next few years that the future is with China, Russia and the rest, it spells the end for Washington. It won't be long now before the alternative to SWIFT is up and running. As Mike has said for some time, Washington's actions will see the end of the dollar. You almost hope that Trump gets a second term! Donald J Trump the president who ensured the demise of the dollar as the reserve currency, pushed out Washington's most important Nato member and handed the 21st century to China! What a chump.

Matt Franko said...

John where is the downside there???

John said...

Matt, there is no downside for planet earth! If Trump can avoid a war and dismantle Washington's power, then although in historical terms he'll go down as the worst president in history, in my eyes he'll be the greatest. While he's at it, Trump should start to evacuate all US troops from anywhere in the world that's not US territory (including South Korea) and initiate the drawing down of nuclear weapons to zero within five years.

Given his advisers, his cabinet and his news sources I don't think Trump will avoid some insane war. If and when he does go to war, it'll be real nasty. China and Russia will be ecstatically happy to supply the weapons to the other side in order to keep the US bogged down in an impossible war, bleed it to death and then accept a humiliating defeat. You know, like Vietnam. And Afghanistan. And Iraq. Although in the last two cases, no foreign weapons was needed, just enough fighters who wanted to free their country of an occupying force.

Anyway, like Tom, I was making a point about what is called the "national interest". Dismantling Nato, pushing longstanding key allies into the warm embraces of your 21st century enemies and accelerating the demise of your own currency as the reserve currency is not considered strategically sound. Even Ivanka will quietly sneak out in the dead of night, change her name and go into anything other than be associated with her crazy daddy. Porn no doubt awaits the Amazonian blonde. Porn no doubt also awaits Trump, the industry he should have been in all along.

Mr Matthew Franko of Baltimore, Maryland, may be on board, but Washington, Wall Street and the military-industrial-complex are gonna get real mad. The GOP will no doubt stop playing ball with Trump if he continues down this line, no matter how much taxes he cuts or how often he's seen with the same pristine copy of Atlas Shrugged or the same pristine copy of the Bible, his favourite book of course - not counting his magnum opus "The Best Golf Advice I Ever Received" or any of the many classic investing books he wrote with Robert Kiyosaki, so brilliant that they have sent Warren Buffett into retirement and raised Benjamin Graham from the dead.

Matt Franko said...

Maybe if US withdraws they will all go back to killing each other and leave the US alone?

Matt Franko said...

Now cutting off the PA:


It’s going to cause a USD zombie freak out!!!

Noah Way said...

@John - tRUMP isn't driving the bus.

John said...

Matt: "Maybe if US withdraws they will all go back to killing each other and leave the US alone?"

The Koreans? The Vietnamese? They never harmed a hair of the head of any American. It was Washington's involvement that turned minor scraps into full scale bloodletting. Pretty much the same goes for the Middle East: it is Washington's support of Salafi jihadis that is the problem, not some cockamemie fairytale about the innocence of Washington's foreign policy.

Noah Way: "tRUMP isn't driving the bus."

I'm not so sure. But trying to drive the bus while grabbing pussy, playing golf and incessantly babbling in public his incestuous thoughts will end up with the bus in the ditch or every other vehicle on the road crushed.