Friday, August 3, 2018

Bill Black — How Democratic Party Mendacity about Deficits and Banksters Lifted Trump

Stephanie Kelton and I have been trying hard to keep Democrats from, again, rushing into the trap of denouncing Republicans for running federal deficits. Yes, Republicans are hypocrites about debt and deficits. That does not mean that Democrats should repeat Clinton and Obama’s embrace of the Republican’s economically illiterate, harmful, and fake hysteria about debt and deficits....
In general, good government is good politics. The Democrats should focus on adopting and supporting superior policies that are humane and supported by good science....
New Economic Perspectives
How Democratic Party Mendacity about Deficits and Banksters Lifted TrumpWilliam K. Black | Associate Professor of Economics and Law, UMKC


Matt Franko said...

“ and supported by good science....”

What would they know about that???? Never trained in it...

Matt Franko said...

menˈdasədē noun. untruthfulness

Everything is a conspiracy with these people .... go tell it to the Alex Jones people...

Peter Pan said...

So mendacity is the same as lying?

Matt Franko said...

I guess Black thinks so he writes this here:

“Obama’s Address then proposed a metaphor that is an economically illiterate lie.”

Accuses Obama of lying....

I wonder if when he watches a baseball game and the batter strikes out he always thinks they did it on purpose.....