Friday, December 14, 2018

Yanis Varoufakis on Progressive Internationalism

Building broad-based coalitions takes time, and for now, the Progressive International is just a website with some inspiring language and a video. Its membership is also very Eurocentric. But Varoufakis hopes it will blossom into a global movement that helps leftists create coherent platforms, policies, and parties to defeat the “nationalist international” masterminded by Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon.
The logic is simple. Financiers have long had global networks; now, right-wing authoritarians do too, with coordinated social-media strategies and deep pools of dark money funding campaigns and disrupting elections around the globe. It’s time for the left to go on the offensive and reclaim its tradition of internationalism: in Varoufakis’s words, to “mobilize workers, women, and the disenfranchised around the world” to prevent outright fascism from taking hold. This means local action, but it also means dreaming big.
It’s a fuzzy plan, of course, and one that Varoufakis’s critics deem implausible. Aren’t ideas like “democratizing” the European Union and making global finance more “progressive” oxymorons? How will a ragtag group of leftists dream up a new monetary system and an ecological New Deal for the whole world when Goldman Sachs and ExxonMobil call the shots?Then again, pockets of the left—and even popular officials like potential 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders—are starting to rally behind an internationalism that seeks to displace the right’s authoritarian nationalism with a more egalitarian vision of global politics. “In order to effectively combat the rise of the international authoritarian axis, we need an international progressive movement…that addresses the massive global inequality that exists, not only in wealth but in political power,” Sanders wrote in The Guardian in September….
Yanis Varoufakis proposes a progressive internationalism to oppose both neoliberal globalization as corporate totalitarianism and nationalist internationalization as incipient fascism as a new program for a united international Left that transcends the old Marxist-Leninist internationalism. Bold.

Yanis Varoufakis
Our progressive internationalism – The Nation


DiEM25’s European New Deal plan can succeed where Macron and Piketty failed – The Guardian


“Why we need a Progressive International”. With Christiane Amanpour on CNN Int

1 comment:

Ralph Musgrave said...

Given Bill Mitchell's sarcastic comments about progressives, which I tend to agree with, (Google Billyblog...progressives), I don't hold out much hope for Varoufakis's efforts.