Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Kevin Gosztola — Tulsi Gabbard’s Presidential Campaign to Challenge US Military-Industrial Complex

Such positions on war and U.S. foreign policy effectively make her a pariah to establishment media pundits and the political class. But her anti-establishment politics do not end there.…

“We have to dig a few layers deeper as people are running for office, say what do you actually stand for?” she said on “The Jimmy Dore Show.” “What is your vision for this country? That’s the debate that we will have to have in Congress should Democrats win over the House or win more seats in the Senate.
“Otherwise, it will be more of the same status quo, where you’ll have lobbyists who have more of a seat at the table writing policies that affect healthcare and education and Wall Street and everything else rather than having a true and representative government by and for the people,” she concluded....
So far, Tulsi is the only anti-war candidate on the Democratic bench. The rest are either war hawks like HRC, or non-committal.

Her platform is similar to the "populist" platform that Donald Trump ran on successfully against the establishments of both parties — foreign policy realism and "drain the swamp." This is the policy that most Americans on both sides of the political divide seem to favor. Her candidacy will influence the national debate and draw the opposition of the Establishment, which profits from endless war and controls the narrative through fear-mongering.

1 comment:

circe801 said...

now, if she would only learn MMT...