Wednesday, June 12, 2019

More Myth

Here we go again with the employment of mythology; from Bill's part 2 Tom posted down-thread:

If the reader finds all this perplexing, it is because for the past forty or so years policymakers and mainstream economists and commentators have peddled a series of false myths about how modern monetary systems work....
To be clear, politicians and central bankers know full well how the system works.

Uh.. they don't know full well how the system works; that is why they are making the reification errors all the time in the first place.... hellloooo...

What is the deal with all of this mythology from all these dialectic people all the time???? hard to understand...

Employment of mythology is not going to work; if what you are doing is trying to teach/correct the other people which maybe is not the goal I guess... well that is my goal anyway..

Try doing it without resorting to employment of even more figurative language; or you're as bad as they are and are never going to get anywhere..