Friday, September 13, 2019

No More Economic Malpractice: African-American Faith Leaders Take On The Establishment — Delman Coates

MMT to the rescue.


See also

A generation of economists helped get us into this mess. A new generation can get us out.
Jared Bernstein | Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and former Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President Joe Biden in the Obama Administration


Matt Franko said...

“economists helped get us into this mess. A new generation can get us out.”

No way in hell.... never going to happen....

Matt Franko said...

Bernstein (like Greenspan a trained musician): “Powell and company are practicing a new type of economics is to note that the actual unemployment rate has been below the Fed’s own estimate of the so-called “natural rate” (the lowest rate consistent with stable prices) for over two years, and the central bank has been cutting, not raising, their benchmark interest rate. ”

What world is this dope living in???? They raised rates like 8 times since Trump elected... crashed the market like 20% and took a point off growth.... NOW they lowered ONCE because Trump intimidation...

Nothing has changed...

They get ONE WHIFF of what they think is their “inflation!” and they are going to raise rates like banshees and immediately tank the economy again...