Tuesday, June 16, 2020

NBC News’ Attempt to Demonetize The Federalist is Illiberal Insanity — David Harsany

If you are following this story, David Harsany's post adds some detail.

IMHO, "demonizing" a site owing to the comments section, or lack of moderation thereof, is jumping the shark. If it is not intentional censorship, it is overreaction.

OK, so I admit that this can get complicated since some comments can definitely be way over the top. If it's isolated instances, then probably best to keep a sense of proportion and write it off as just the way the Internet works. 

If it's chronic and serious enough to warrant it though, then the site owner should either moderate comments or shut down the comments section if moderation is impractical. But shutting down anything is an extreme measure that should only be invoked with greatest caution, in my view.

As with everything there are tradeoffs, but I would be prefer the bias be toward liberalism. If something does not cause harm, then it gets a pass. That rules out advocating for violence or insurrection, for example. 

But are symbolic statements, like "Burn down the house," advocating violence. It's not  always clear. For instance, a favorite chant in the large antiwar demonstrations of the Seventies was, "Off the pig." It was aimed at pissing off the gendarmerie rather than suggesting actually killing anyone. Yeah, those were days of tear gas, too.

BTW, regarding The Federalist, I am positioned in the opposite quadrant of the political compass. But it's not really about The Federalist.


Peter Pan said...

Free speech without consequences ain't happening.

In case no one has noticed, there's a new trend, called 'cancel culture'.

Bob Roddis said...

Both The Federalist and Zerohedge publish lots of solid antiwar material. NBC's attack should be seen as quite insidious since NBC NEVER permits any antiwar material to see the light of day.

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