Monday, November 9, 2020

Does India truly belong to the SCO? — M. K. Bhadrakumar

Backgrounder on Central Asia and India's foot in the great game for control of the Eurasian land mass. This area of the world is going to be rising importance in the coming years and decades, so might as well get acquainted with it. (SCO is Shanghai Cooperation Organization.)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi should keep in mind that the US doesn't have allies, it has vassals and colonies. The plan of the US corporate elite is to colonize India financially. 

In fact, Modi has to know this, but he taking a chance on sleeping the devil on account of Indian "competition" with China, which isn't really a thing at this point. China has the geographical advantage in Central Asia, not to mention the BRI. and the "stans" are predominantly Islamic. China has generally good relations with Islamic countries in spite of the Uyghur "problem" (which says something in itself), while India has been fighting a war of separation since Independence. The current push of fundamentalist Hindu to cleanse India of Muslims, making it a Hindu nation, is not helpful either.

India Punchline
Does India truly belong to the SCO?
M. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign Service.

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