Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Facebook, QAnon and the World’s Slackening Grip on Reality — Alex Hern

How does anyone fall for this kind of stuff? And it is just one example of things I am asked about regularly these day by people I had supposed intelligent. Usually it doesn't take more than one click to debunk it. They don't know how to do Internet search?

Another factor is the monetary value of clicks that multiplies in direct proportion to the sensationalism. Moreover, the preps seem to have discovered that the more outrageous the lie, the better clickbait it becomes.

People are loosing their minds. It's a dangerous trend with no clear solution other than social media censorship, which is probably going to ramp up for this and other reasons having to do with challenging the narrative.

QAnon is only one instance of a trend that has been growing for some time. The US is now bifurcating into cohorts dwelling in alternate and opposing imaginary worlds.

The Guardian
Facebook, QAnon and the World’s Slackening Grip on Reality
Alex Hern

See also

If this gets to the Supremes, the decision will almost surely be in favor of US corporations, in this case Goole.

Mint Press News
QAnon Legal Battle Against YouTube Could Transform Free Speech Online
Raul Diego

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