Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Rubio: GOP must rebrand as party of 'multiethnic, multiracial, working class' voters — Joseph Choi

This is not only a good idea but it has to happen owing to demographics if the GOP wants to survive over the next decades as the US becomes increasingly multi-ethnic. But the transition is not likely to be easy or quick. There appears to be considerable resistance to it.

However, such a transition would force Democrats back to their working class roots and aid the progressive wing which is the only moderately left cohort in the US.

Then the two parties would more closely reflect the make-up of American population.
 and the distribution might eventually become similar.

The US tends to be a centrist country and should this occur there would be a center-right and center-left party, with fringe extremes. In close elections, those fringes could make a difference.

The Hill
Rubio: GOP must rebrand as party of 'multiethnic, multiracial, working class' voters
Joseph Choi


Peter Pan said...

Dems despise the working class; GOP offers them a shoulder to cry on. It's a cold shoulder.
The elephant in the room is Wall Street, for whom both parties owe their existence.

Matt Franko said...

Old paradigm... currently Big Tech has more money and political influence than wall st ....

Unknown said...

Burn baby burn!

Peter Pan said...

Where does Big Tech keep its money and influence?

mike norman said...

What Rubio purportedly proposes--GOP should realign with labor--is antithetical to not only everything the current GOP stands for, but it's against even what Rubio believes in.

Peter Pan said...

Lipstick on a pig... or in this case, an elephant.

lastgreek said...

"What Rubio purportedly proposes--GOP should realign with labor--is antithetical to not only everything the current GOP stands for, but it's against even what Rubio believes in."

Little Marco...