Until today’s order, the digital content and streaming platforms were not governed under law or by any autonomous body in India. The amendment gives the government the right to regulate and intervene in the content of OTT platforms such as Netflix, Hotstar and Amazon’s Prime Video.I din't think this is necessarily censorship. Liberalism is not about drawing no line. Lines musts be drawn, child pornography pretty universally illegal, as well as advocating for violent overthrow of a state.
Rights and responsibilities have to be balanced in a social system for the system to function well. The question is who draws the lines and how (based on what criteria). This is one of the paradoxes of liberalism. Freedom is not absolute. Freedom entails responsibility, and rights also have to be weighed against each other.
This is complicated by the relationship of traditionalism and modernism in still very traditional places.
Sputnik International
'Censorship': Indian Gov't Empowers Itself to Regulate Online News, Streaming Platform like Netflix
Sputnik International
'Censorship': Indian Gov't Empowers Itself to Regulate Online News, Streaming Platform like Netflix
1 comment:
You draw the line at what is deemed to be political. Governments are interested in censoring political discourse.
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