Thursday, November 12, 2020

When a girl is scolded in the street for wearing Han-style clothing, what would people do?

Some people make anti-China videos on YouTube and say things like how the Chinese people are indifferent and don't care about other people. They say that if you get hurt on a street the Chinese will just walk by and ignore you. It isn't true. These YouTubers are right-wing racists. 

The video below is a spoof where a Chinese girl dresses up in a traditional Hans costume and a passer by, an actor, verbally abuses her, but the Chinese people come to her rescue.

In this video a Chinese girl wears a short dress and pretty clothes, and her boyfriend tells her off. But the Chinese people in the street stick up for her, telling him not to be so prudish and that she looks pretty. One old woman says times have changed and China is not what it used to be. 

When a girl gets yelled at by her boyfriend for dressing in public, what will passers-by do?


Matt Franko said...

Did you get the jab?

Peter Pan said...

It is said that Chinese people are indifferent to the suffering of animals. But that is due to their culture.

There are places where a woman who wears a revealing outfit, will be murdered by her father or brother, for 'dishonoring' the family. Again, this is culture, not some innate savagery.

Peter Pan said...

There is this:

Kaivey said...

I wasn't eligible. Not old enough. And no chemist has any, because doctors have them all.

Kaivey said...

Gweilo 60 says he loves his meat, and all go to a Chinese wet market to get it. He will pick out an animal and they kill it in the spot and chop it up, and he will pick out the bits he wants. It turned my guts inside out.

Peter Pan said...

But if you have an autoimmune disorder, do you not get special dispensation to access a flu shot?

Kaivey said...

I'm going to ring my GP again, but this time I will talk to the one who has known me for years.

Matt Franko said...

I called the walk-in clinic across the street and went over and paid $35 no problemo....

This goes to show you how wrong the left MMT people are when saying “single payer!” meanwhile the “payer!” thinks they are “out of money!”...

Not a very realistic or good idea... as usual....