Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Sophistry or Shibboleth? - "Capital Flight" — NeilW

Framing tricks and controlling the narrative are the base tools of neoliberal economics. One character that pops up regularly is the Fickle, Flighty Foreigner. Worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy, they will brutally condemn any country that deviates from the divine path.

Let’s explain the narrative trick and how to counter it.
New Wayland
Sophistry or Shibboleth? - "Capital Flight"


mike norman said...

Thanks, Neil. This was necessary. I've been telling people this for years.

Matt Franko said...

“ Everything will ‘spiral down’ and become ‘unstoppable’. Note the emotional, fatalistic language and the focus on the nemesis”

That’s alienation… the person saying that is somehow alienated,,,

All doomsday type language is caused by alienation in the person saying it…

Stay somehow connected to society to avoid this..,

Peter Pan said...

Everything will trickle down... note the emotional, hopeful language and the focus on fabulous wealth.