Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A Chinese Training Video - Covid-19

How To Deal With People With Covid-19 Who Are Being Non-Compliant 

And the conspiracists think that Covid-19 is no worse than flu.

It's also one of the funniest videos I've seen for a while.


Joe said...

That's a bit heavy handed. I don't like the authoritarian-ness of it. But it is funny to see a butterfly net used like that.

Just today

But I'm sure all that excess death was just from pre-existing conditions and those people didn't die from covid.

Nevermind that Norway, which locked down early and didn't have an outbreak to speak of, ended up with fewer than normal deaths. Same thing with Denmark, they had about twice the death as Norway from covid, but ended up going below the normal amount of deaths. Staying home saved more lives that covid killed.

Andrew Anderson said...

Staying home saved more lives that covid killed.

Maybe it's the stress of being wage-slaves that's the killer?

It's not called the "rat-race" for nothing, you know.

And who are the chief drivers of the rat race if not the government privileged usury cartel, aka "the banks."

Peter Pan said...

Sceptikat Covid-19 - Does This Make Sense? Part 2

Bloody good show, eh?