Monday, June 15, 2020

What if the federal deficit didn't actually matter? Modern Monetary Theory explained — Talib Visram

Stephanie Kelton’s new book, ‘The Deficit Myth,’ argues that the path to shared prosperity and achieving progressive goals means no longer asking how we will pay for things, and instead just creating the money to make them happen....
MMT positive.

BTW, I don't bother with posting MMT negative stuff unless it makes a contribution or in some way advances informed debate. Most of the mentions are still negative and they use the same flawed reasoning if one can even call attacking a straw man reasoning. Most are uniformed and many are just ideological rants that confuse strongly held belief with knowledge supported by evidence.

Fast Company
What if the federal deficit didn't actually matter? Modern Monetary Theory explained
Talib Visram


Matt Franko said...

“just ideological rants that confuse strongly held belief with knowledge supported by evidence.“

Textbook Liberal education 101... they are not Science trained what do you want them to do ?

Peter Pan said...

They will do whatever it takes to ensure a nice fat paycheck.

S400 said...

“just ideological rants that confuse strongly held belief with knowledge supported by evidence.“

Textbook Matt.