Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Net Zero Is Not Zero — Maureen Santos and Linda Schneider

https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/net-zero-climate-pledges-are-greenwashing-by-maureen-santos-and-linda-schneider-2021-11Recent carbon-neutrality pledges may seem ambitious, but merely serve to promote a new set of false climate solutions under a different guise. Such pledges may persuade many people, but the climate isn’t buying it.
Project syndicate
Net Zero Is Not Zero
Maureen Santos, Coordinator of the National Advisory Group of the Federation of Organizations for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE), is a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and a former program coordinator in the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Rio de Janeiro office.
Linda Schneider, Senior Program Officer for International Climate Policy at the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Berlin office.


Peter Pan said...

Net zero is not capable of CO2 mitigation within our lifetime.

Why bother with this buzzword?

Tom Hickey said...

et zero is not capable of CO2 mitigation within our lifetime. Why bother with this buzzword?

As the authors point out and Greta recently charged, it "blah-blah" that gives the appearance of doing something to meet the challenge while providing a lot of wiggle room. It's another way to kick the can down the road.