Thursday, November 4, 2021


If Trump took a beat down like Dems did Tuesday and then the very next day the Fed came out and said they were "removing accommodation!" Trump would cut all their balls off... are Dems now just going to sit there and take it like pussies?  🤔

Or else are the Dems are going to say:  "well, we do have to do something about all the money printing stagflation the GOP says we are causing..."  and endorse it?  🤔



Peter Pan said...

Wait for the taper in the midterms...

Peter Pan said...

The Winnowing :O

lastgreek said...

"If Trump took a beat down like Dems did Tuesday..."

What do you mean "if", Matt? Trump did take "a beat down." He's also seething with anger, the orange shitbag. Only reason, besides the awful McAuliffe himself, the Dems lost the governorship of Virginia is because the Republican candidate made it a point of distancing himself from said orange shitbag and thus picking those republican and independent voters that could not bring themselves to vote for a shitbag, albeit an orange one at that, in last November's presidential election. How's that for a winning formula for the Reps going into 2022?

Still, as an outsider looking in (really feel like I am watching a circus), it's really amazing, in a sick and stupid way, that Americans voted to victory in Virginia a party that attempted a coup less than a year ago!

Also, the Dems won reelection in the governorship of New Jersey. Not a bad feat when you gotta go back more than 40 years for the last time a Dem governor did that.

Yeah, so like I said -- orange shitbag is seething. Doubly so since he can't get laid.

Matt Franko said...

I dont think you are qualified to assess what is going on in the MAGA half of the US…

Matt Franko said...

MAGA alternative to woke Starbucks…. Trump thing week before…

US economy bifurcating… MAGA establishing discriminate vertical markets…

Probably investable…

Peter Pan said...
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Peter Pan said...

greek is suffering from TDS... Trump is living rent-free in his head even though the border is closed... there is no hope for him.

Peter Pan said...

Matt, economic segregation is necessary given the circumstances.

Matt Franko said...

Yes I think so…

lastgreek said...

I hear the MAGA gossip from MAGA relatives in Florida. But for sure not qualified :(

Though I am qualified to teach The Gas Laws and Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases to anyone — even a MAGA dummy. And once finished, he/she will ace it, including the MAGA dummy. Guaranteed.

Peter Pan said...

Florida used to be a swing state... and greek's relatives used to be swingers...

lastgreek said...

No call idea what you’re talking about.

Peter Pan said...

^^ Is this guy a gas, or what?