Saturday, March 26, 2022

RT — West must avoid ‘pushing’ Russia towards China, top EU diplomat [Josep Borrell] says

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine poses threat to globalization and may create a major “division” in the world, Josep Borrell believes

The Ukrainian crisis and the West’s reaction to could “push” Russia towards China, the EU’s foreign-policy chief Josep Borrell warned as he spoke during the opening session of the Doha Forum on Saturday.

Doing so could lead to creation of a major rift between the global north and south, the diplomat said, stressing that such a scenario should be avoided.

“One of the bad consequences of what’s happening is that we can push Russia to China, and we can create a division between the global south-east and the global north-west,” Borrell stated.…
That this is state as new thinking is incredible. Has Borrell been under a rock all the while this has been going on? Did he miss hearing about Putin and Xi announcing a strategic partnership in Beijing during the Olympics? It's a fait accompli, largely as a result of 1) US foreign policy statements about global hegemony, 2) NATO expansion eastward to Russia's borders, 3) US mounting in first-strike capability in Eastern Europe, and 4) Obama's pivot to Asia.

RT (Russian state-sponsored media)
West must avoid ‘pushing’ Russia towards China, top EU diplomat [Josep Borrell] says


Tom Hickey said...

This joining of Russia and China would be happening regardless anyway. China needs Russian resources and technological expertise to avoid dependence on the West and potential isolation by the US 7th Fleet (as Japan learned prior to WWII). Russia needs Chinese markets to avoid being dependent on Europe. It's a marriage made in heaven economically and strategically – independent of current events. Add US foreign policy and current events, and it is a no brainer.

Footsoldier said...

Thing that worry me Tom,

It is clearly now a one party nation state. Anybody who can't see that cleary hasn't been paying attention.

Geopolitics and foreign policy demands it.

You can trace it back to vietnem and the peace protests. From outsourcing shoulders to private enterprise, hiring local right wing fanatics to do the dirty work. They haven't been honest with the American people.

They been at war under different guises to avoid the political consequences for years as the American people are sick of the endless wars. Really why Trump beat Hillary.

Now,since the American people have sat back and allowed this one party nation state to entrench itself. Lost their backbone and put all their efforts into fighting each other ( black v white- right v liberal).

Can you really see America being 2nd or 3rd best ?

When the letters L are made using fingers if you aren't number 1 at anything embedded in the culture.

I can't.

Watching these psychopaths up close for a month . I get the impression they would rather destroy it all. If they can't be number 1. Act like an immature child.

My view is as America is a very young country and learned very little in it's very youthful existence. It needs a heavy defeat on the world stage. It needs to learn that you can't just March all over the place.

Like any bully taught a severe lesson. They need to mature and learn what it feels like to be a victim.

Before the world will be able to move on in the right direction. Become like star trek.

They also need to change the national anthem. They are no longer the home of the brave and the land of the free. If there is a god the last thing it would do is bless this war monger. It probably wouldn't even piss on it if it was on fire.

A large part of the world has to turn on America and say enough is enough. Force it to mature. Or it will destroy everything if it can't be no 1.

At this present time it is a teenager and acting like one.

Peter Pan said...

2022 Nominee for Captain Oblivious has been submitted.

Peter Pan said...

Like any bully taught a severe lesson. They need to mature and learn what it feels like to be a victim.

Not gonna happen as long as the Ukies are taking the lumps.
It has to come at the expense of the US military e.g. having an aircraft carrier sunk.

Footsoldier said...

The American people have to shoulder a lot of the blame Tom.

Fighting with each other for years and failing to recognise who the real enemy is.

The government is not your friend, it has turned into a psychopathic monster simmering with fascist beliefs. Money has replaced the vote.

Footsoldier said...

" Not gonna happen as long as the Ukies are taking the lumps.
It has to come at the expense of the US military e.g. having an aircraft carrier sunk. "

Too dangerous a teenager will lash out.

Countries need to get together say stop enough is enough. Reign in their ambitions politically and on the diplomatic side of things. Remove the vetos they have at the UN.

With far-reaching institutional restructuring of the international financial system, world trade, a world court, and a UN without US veto power. And such an institutional reformation requires an economic doctrine to provide its basic principles. A New International Economic Order will be constructed on non-neoliberal
globalist principles.

NATO and the EU the way it has been set up has to be rolled back and destroyed.

Footsoldier said...

The World bank and IMF are not fit for purpose.

Root and branch reform is needed in the CIA and Pentagon.

America won't do it themselves it needs to be forced on them by the rest of the world.

A heavy defeat politically and diplomatically learn what it feels like to be a victim.

Footsoldier said...

The UK has been through this process, So has the Greeks and Italians.

Only to be replaced by a bigger bully.

That's the problem.

" the bigger bully" syndrome has to stop.

Countries had to be allowed to choose their own paths of humanity will no longer exist. We will destroy ourselves.

Footsoldier said...

After WW2 and Churchill was told he was going to lose the British colonies.

On the thought of losing India he said to FDR:

" Do you want me to be like falla and get down a beg" Falla being FDR dog.

FDR replied Yes.

That is the process the US has to go through but not by a bigger bully.

By the whole of the international community.

Before there will ever be peace.

Footsoldier said...

To move from being a teenager to a mature adult.

Footsoldier said...

The fall of the iron curtain.......

One large bully was replaced by 2 large bullies

the Soviet union was replaced by The US and EU

It clearly isn't working.

We'll destroy ourselves.

Footsoldier said...

Why I wish and hope this time America has overplayed their hand bigly .

Footsoldier said...

We can start off by grouping together and doing an intervention on Matt.

Ban him from MAGA mania websites and blogs. Remove the addiction from his surroundings.

That are lowering his IQ on a weekly basis.

We need that IQ to run the new central bank we are going to create when we get round to fixing things.


Matt Franko said...

I don’t have a dog in the hunt Foot, I hope they both kill each other..,

Commie vs commie-lite…. Can’t stand either of them…,

We have enough adjustments and corrections to work on currently right here in the good ol’ USA …

Matt Franko said...

“ Countries had to be allowed to choose their own paths”

Yo that’s what Ukraine WAS doing.., via politics..,

Peter Pan said...

The rest of the world is setting up parallel structures.

The BRICs are merely the most well-known of these.

EU, UN, NATO are dinosaurs.

Peter Pan said...

We have enough adjustments and corrections to work on currently right here in the good ol’ USA …

How many lynchings will these adjustments and corrections require? Thousands?

Matt Franko said...

BRIC is a Wall Street investment scheme….

The R part not looking too good right now..,,,

Matt Franko said...

Matt Franko said...

Fink and his globalist butt buddies maybe throwing in the towel…

Matt Franko said...

G-7 is perhaps a better way to look at it…

iow Putin has alienated Russia from G-7…. not the end of the world but all the best stuff (material) on planet earth is in G-7 imo…

iow if you are a Russian that is material oriented you’re probably going to try to emigrate to G-7 now… to get access to all of that leading material…

Peter Pan said...

Are you talking countries or individuals?
It is countries that form trading blocks and political relations.

Yes, globalism is doomed. After the experience of the last two years, good riddance. Hopefully they don't destroy the world in their death throes.

Regionalism, localism is the future.

Matt Franko said...

Countries/Nations … I’m a nationalist…

G7 is a formal institutionalized group of 7 advanced nations..

The rest are criminal wannabes…

BRIC is a Larry fink Blackrock etf you can put munnie into…

Footsoldier said...

Hope you a right peter.

Footsoldier said...

Yo that’s what Ukraine WAS doing.., via politics..,"

Pure BS Matt!

Biden bragging about how depoliticised it was.

How he rigged it

Not to mention how the neo nazis ran the place. By intimidation and told 2 presidents they would be hanged from a free in Kiev if they didn't do as they say.

Peter Pan said...

I’m a nationalist…

You're going to learn the hard way that the USA is not a single nation.

Matt Franko said...

Well we’re in the G-7…

So is Canada … I would travel probably to any G7…

Matt Franko said...

“ How he rigged it”

Biden election was rigged too but the GOP is addressing it thru courts and legislative action…

Matt Franko said...

I wouldn’t take a free trip to Ukraine before the war…

You would have to pay me A LOT to go there…. Even then I probably wouldn’t go…

Would you go to Russia either…

Matt Franko said...


S400 said...

And who cares if you go anywhere? No one.

Peter Pan said...

Matt hasn't done his Iran tour yet.