Tuesday, July 16, 2024

MMT’s Leeds conference and disinvitations —  Richard Murphy

For the record. Trouble in MMT-land.

Funding the Future
MMT’s Leeds conference and disinvitations
Funding the Future (formerly Tax Research UK)
Richard Murphy, Tax Research LLP


Peter Pan said...

The first is that there is claimed to be an MMT community.

There is a community, call it what you will. e.g. MMT-Land
But there is no movement.
Without a movement, MMT will go nowhere.
So go ahead, knock yourselves out. Have your internal spats.
No one outside of your ivory towers are listening.

Peter Pan said...

Message to academics: You've done your work. Move on with your life. The public doesn't understand MMT, or isn't interested. This is an issue for activists to tackle.

NeilW said...

By showing their backside in public, they explain why they are not in Leeds.

Of course we're British so we've seen this before

mike norman said...

If Steve Keen is misrepresenting MMT (as per Warren's claim) then why should he be there?

mike norman said...

Richard Murphy writes: "the fragile cohort of male founders."
LOL! While it may be true, why bring gender into it? Funny.

Peter Pan said...

Woke nonsense is droll.

Peter Pan said...

Invite Keir Starmer. He's a real MMTer and mover & shaker.

Matt Franko said...

It’s probably proper form in the Art Degree methodology to keep your conferences on your theory pure as possible…

It’s up to the people who are antithesis to MMT to have their own conferences …

mike norman said...

"Invite Keir Starmer. He's a real MMTer and mover & shaker."

Peter, I'm guessing you are being sarcastic because his Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, is an idiot. "Where are we going to get the British pounds?"

Peter Pan said...

Yes I'm being sarcastic. Foot has commented on Labour politicians and their failure to get onboard with MMT.

Footsoldier said...

Read back my comments on this very blog.

I told you all 6 times Murphy would do this and cause trouble because he would be left out in the cold. As he doesn't even understand the job guarentee.

It always happens. He always attacks MMT when he is completely ignored. You can set your calendar by it.

When I was asked before him to be interviewed by the BBC in Scotland. He tried to get me cancelled. Contacted the interviewer by Twitter to say he should have been asked instead.

We were making superb gains in Scotland until he intervened with the EU uber alles brigade in Scotland. He was left out in the cold and always left out in the cold cause he is he is a twat.

So you believe me now ? Told you at least a month ago this was going to happen. This Was always going to happy because of insatiable ego. He's not right in the head.

Footsoldier said...

The last time it happened he publicly attacked Warren because he was left out in the cold when the new book was launched - The key insights of MMT.

The time before that was because he was left out in the cold when Stephanie visited the UK.

It's not just that he goes on the attack. It is that he always tries to divide the MMT community when he does. When he can't divide the community because most know he is a twat. He tries to get the mainstream in his camp. He has used Mark Blythe, Danny Blanchflower and others and now Steve Keane in this way.

This has NOTHING to do with Steve, absolutely nothing it is all about him and as per usual he is using Steve for his own selfish purposes.

Footsoldier said...

I can guarantee every time Tom posted a grievance by Murphy regarding MMT over the years on this blog. Using the dates in this blog you can trace it back to a MMT event he was locked out of.

He creates some bullshit narrative to try and divide the movement. He even used Stephanie for at least a year this way. Put his arm around her while having a go at Bill and Warren. Then wonders why he is completely ignored and locked out of events.

You just need to listen to this to understand why Steve was locked out.


Bonkers !

Interestingly enough I have never heard Warren have a go at Michael Hudson before until last month. He doesn't hold back.

Here: 1 hour 20 mins mark.


MMT'rs listen to Macro and Cheese and both Hudson and Keen attacked MMT.

Why Warren and Bill have written this new book in my opinion to stop the likes of Keen and Murphy and the other heterodox economists basterdising it like they did with Keynes.

They are both getting on a bit and want to pass a solid understanding to who runs with it next.

When I set up MMT Scotland with others I was tasked with one thing by the founders. That one thing was it MUST be MMT compliant. No matter what was produced it has to stay true to MMT. Why I walked away in the end. The people I was working with in Scotland couldn't wait to basterdise it. Why in the end they changed the name of it after I left from MMT Scotland to modern money Scotland.

They basterdised the job guarentee that much it was no longer effective and couldn't get the MMT founders to sign off on it. So rather than stay true to MMT they changed the name of who they were instead.

Peter Pan said...

^^ receipts

Matt Franko said...

“Why Warren and Bill have written this new book in my opinion to stop the likes of Keen and Murphy and the other heterodox economists basterdising it like they did with Keynes.”

The synthesis happens after the original theorists pass… as they are no longer here among us to defend their theory like they are doing here..

Peter Pan said...

synthesis = vandalism

Matt Franko said...

It’s not vandalism it’s just the way the Art Degree methodology works it’s intended to be that way …

Its Thesis + Antithesis = synthesis

Deficit hawk + deficit dove = deficit owl

They have what they call the Neoclassical Synthesis


The biblical Judeans had a Synagogue which was a synthesis of the rote Israelite Mosaic Law and the dialogic Greek academy…

This was the sole academic methodology for thousands of years … many people are still using it…

NeilW said...

"Using the dates in this blog you can trace it back to a MMT event he was locked out of."

There was no lockout. They decided themselves not to come.

Probably because they didn't fancy facing Warren in person, who would, of course, have taken their arguments apart at the seams.

But that didn't matter because we had a brilliant conference.

And an even better curry at the end.

NeilW said...

A UBI guy was there, and he was treated with the utmost respect. Ultimately though if you don't believe in reciprocity, you don't believe in it. That's a political difference.