Saturday, December 10, 2011

Feinstein — Torture was widespread

Sen. Feinstein: As chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, I can say that we are nearing the completion [of] a comprehensive review of the CIA’s former interrogation and detention program, and I can assure the Senate and the Nation that coercive and abusive treatment of detainees in U.S. custody was far more systematic and widespread than we thought.
Moreover, the abuse stemmed not from the isolated acts of a few bad apples but from fact that the line was blurred between what is permissible and impermissible conduct, putting U.S. personnel in an untenable position with their superiors and the law.
So much for "a few bad apples." 
It is not surprising to hear the torture was worse than already known. After all, the purpose of secrecy and the cult of classification, so assiduously courted by the current Administration, is to hide crimes. So one can only hope the Intelligence Committee will, when the review is truly and finally complete (and let’s hope it’s not another 18 months), that its findings will be released publicly. In fact, in a decent world, it would be demanded.
Read it at The Public Record: Intrepid New Journalism
Feinstein: Senate Panel’s Probe Of CIA Torture Program Concludes It Was “Far More Widespread And Systematic Than We Thought”
By Jeffrey Kaye