And he gets the facts about the law wrong on top of the ridiculous hyperbole.
Read it at Raw Story
Graham: The CFPB is a ‘Stalinist era’ thing
by Andrew Jones
Financial reform is Communist? Who would have guessed without being told.
Related: Frum: Fox News creates an ‘alternative knowledge system’
Republican pundit David Frum goes after Fox for distortion of the news.
Financial reform is Communist? Who would have guessed without being told.
Related: Frum: Fox News creates an ‘alternative knowledge system’
by David Edwards at Raw Story
Republican pundit David Frum goes after Fox for distortion of the news.
This kind of statement by Graham makes me both furious and sick.
These overfed bigshot Senators were totally asleep at the switch as the US financial sector spent a decade inflating an international-scale Ponzi scheme into an economy wrecking clusterfuck.
And now Graham and his radical, twisted Republican colleagues have spent two years doing absolutely nothing while tens of millions of Americans suffer unemployment and contracting incomes as a result of said clusterfuck.
Both Congress and the President have also done nothing about the orgy of sheer fraud and thievery that were involved in the financial sector engineering of the aforementioned clusterfuck.
And nobody with eyes to see can doubt that the strategy of Graham and his colleagues is to continue to do nothing, so that they can win an election on the backs of the destitute by prolonging for as long as possible the antecedently-referenced clusterfuck.
So now a few people want to make it just a tiny bit harder for these lying SOB bankster marauders and financial rapists to abuse the American public further with their scams, flim-flam and impenetrable fine print, and want to help avoid future clusterfucks in the future. And the response of miserable toads like Graham? The reformers are Stalinists.
Do these rank prostitutes have no shame at all?!! Hey Senator Graham, try getting off your knees and pulling one those bankster di**s from your mouth long enough to say something useful and decent on behalf of the American people.
The US Senate is a wealthy gang of criminals, engaged in a criminal conspiracy to shield other wealthy, powerful criminals from their just deserts, and criminally culpable in their depraved indifference to the sufferings of their most vulnerable fellow citizens, and in their cruel, indifferent and incompetent management of the nation's economic policies.
Reducto ad Stalinum
Don't fall for it...
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