Monday, April 16, 2012

Race to Provide the Worst Financial Reporting Continues!

Today, the Wall Street Journal takes the lead in this race of disgrace by publishing this piece titled:

"Race to Be Uncle Sam’s Biggest Lender Continues!"

Plenty of misguided reporting here for general consumption.  Here are some dandies:
Japan continues to hang close to China as the second-largest holder of Uncle Sam’s IOUs — known as Treasury bonds.
Try USTs are Financial Assets WSJ... here's another humdinger:
Like most developed countries, the U.S. always runs budget deficits, meaning they constantly need investors to buy their new debt or rollover old loans to keep lights on.
This is simply a moron statement here; "to keep lights on".   The WSJ  is a disgrace.
Some have worried that the Fed’s massive involvement in the market for U.S. debt could potential turn off borrowers. The latest TIC numbers don’t suggest that’s happening just yet.
No not "just yet"... it's only been like 100 years and counting.

It is a shame to witness what false and sophomoric reporting can pass for financial journalism these days at what should be leading publications.

TIP: Stay with the MMT blogs if you value truth and accuracy.


Anonymous said...

Just wait... hyperinflation is's coming... wait for it....wait for it....ok, it's not here yet, but it's coming....

Tom Hickey said...

WSJ = straight out of Rupert Murdoch's mouth.

Matt Franko said...

Being reduced to a Tabloid Tom. All sensationalism.

No depth, no truth.

Just more crapola now from the WSJ if you can believe it.

What a disgrace.


Tom Hickey said...

Yeah, we knew this was inevitable when Murdoch took over. He is a pestilence.

The Red Capitalist said...

Sounds like a squad from Fox & NOTW migrated over to WSJ?

News Corp should change it's name to "New Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda" to better reflect it's corporate identity.

mike norman said...

Total disgrace even before News Corp bought it, but since that purchase, it's now just pure propaganda. Just like that other News Corp property, Fox News.

mike norman said...

That's why I quit Fox.