Conservatives today -- especially those of religious or libertarian disposition -- have their historical political roots in the John Birch Society and its beliefs. That Society was co-founded in the late 1950s by Robert Welch and, Fred Koch, the father of the contemporary Koch brothers.Wandering the Oceans
In the late 1950s and 1960s, "Birchers," as they were called, were thought to be far right wing kooks, well outside of the political mainstream, who were laughed at and ridiculed. Not so now. They are boarder line mainstream.
Contemporary conservatives have no coherent explanation for how they became who they are because they ignore their history and they refuse to acknowledge the indoctrination efforts on them and the American public by Koch & Friends who used Powell Doctrine and spent about two billion dollars on the effort since about 1972, much by setting up think bogus tanks like The Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation to generate bogus research that mainstream economist reject and often cannot duplicate-- at least those who are not bought off.
How and Why Much of America Has Shifted to the Far Right
Kimball Corson
Bah, the left is just as indoctrinated.
Libertarianism is not a major aspect of mainstream conservatism.
Correction; it's Kimball Corson.
Thanks, Joe, fixed now. Apologies to Mr Corson.
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