Sunday, September 9, 2012

Naomi Wolf — The brain science of the vagina heralds a new sexual revolution

Finally, women have the neuroscientific knowledge to liberate their bodies from patriarchy's social control and culture of shame
The Guardian | On Making Change
The brain science of the vagina heralds a new sexual revolution
Naomi Wolf

Why is this is a big deal? The Feminist Movement that began in Sixties the was the extension of a trend begun by the Women's Suffrage Movement of the 19th century that eventually succeeded in getting women enfranchised. Since then women have also taken their places on the political scene, many serving in legislature, ministries, and as a prime ministers. It has also been helpful that Britain has been rule by a queen for much of recent memory.

However, since the inception of feminism or "women's lib," the women's movement has been not only a political force but a source of personal empowerment for a great many women. It is not by accident that the Sexual Revolution took place in this context as well.

Women's suffrage is now called "first wave feminism," and the feminism that began in the Sixties, "second wave feminism." "Third wave feminism" began in the 1990's and continues into the present. The firsts and second wave were spearheaded by white Western women and their expressions were culturally defined. Third wave feminism is global and encompasses many views of femininity. The basic aim of this wave of feminism is to throw off patriarchy finally and permanently, globally.

Feminism is a dialectal response to a traditionally imposed master-slave relationship, in which women (and children) were treated culturally and even legally as men's chattel. Quite predictably, there is also a dialectically response to that also, with people like Rush Limbaugh leading the debate from the masculine side and sounding like a "male chauvinist pig" in femi-speak.

Naomi Wolf's work needs to be read in this context. It is significant in that it brings to light scientific research showing that feminism is not "just" anti-traditional and countercultural. It is based in physiological psychology, and it is not going away. This trend is a big deal, and any cultural entity that stands in the way of it is on the wrong side of history. Beware GOP, and proceed at your own risk.

The rise of the woman is no mystery to business people, since they are well aware that the majority of purchases of consumer goods are now either by women or heavily influenced by women. Women are now also taking their places in management and the professions. This trend is having profound cultural and institutional influences economically, as well as socially and politically as women increasingly find themselves and come into their own power.


Roger Erickson said...

Ya think? How can this be news to any non-indoctrinated person?

Any tribal group anywhere took this as self-evident, before colliding & rising populations triggered the supra-tribal adjustments we're still going through.

Humans, still stuck trying to scale up common sense across larger populations.

Anonymous said...

Another good book on the brain science of the vagina is The Game by Neil Strauss.

Tom Hickey said...

Roger: "Ya think? How can this be news to any non-indoctrinated person? Any tribal group anywhere took this as self-evident, before colliding & rising populations triggered the supra-tribal adjustments we're still going through."

In ancient tribal pre-agricultural cultures there was no surplus, no private property to control based on strength, no heirs to bequeath estates to, and no hereditary titles to convey. When this became an issue, pretty much beginning with surplus economies, then individual strength and socially organized power became decisive factors, and with that came patriarchy.

See An Individualist Approach To The Hebrew Bible, an NPR interview with Yoram Hazony, author the newly released, The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture.

Trixie said...
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Anonymous said...

Trixie, your comment shows you are utterly incapable of grasping the most fundamental concepts of Austrian vaginostatics and vaginology. These concepts were developed over 100 years ago by Von Minges and and the Austrian school and have never been supplanted.

The catastrophic misallocation of our sexual resources began when we ignored McKinley's call for a sexual regime based on gold plated vaginas and went in for Keynesian and MMT "funny pu**ies".

We are now having a cleansing recession which will restore our vaginal system to its pristine purity and cleanliness.

Trixie said...
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Matt Franko said...


What is your view on how our western ancestors viewed females based on the fact that they put a 40' gold and ivory statue of an adored woman they called Athena in the Parthenon in Athens (the pinnacle or their civilization) ie 'the city of Athena' who was a female and they more or less worshiped and adored her...

Or here we can see in the Greek scriptures how Pilate had his wife RIGHT THERE providing counsel at the dais of judgement: "19 Now at his sitting on the dais, his wife dispatches to him, saying, "Let there be nothing between you and that just man, for I suffered much today in a trance because of him."

She obviously felt no inhibition at providing counsel to her husband as if that would have been inappropriate...

Or here in Acts we see the same thing with Agrippa and his wife Bernice: "3 On the morrow, then, at Agrippa and Bernice's coming with much pageantry and entering the audience chamber together, besides captains and prominent men of the city, and at Festus' order, Paul was led forth."

Again seems like our Greek and Roman ancestors treated women with respect and would at least appreciate hearing their counsel...

So where did all of this "barefoot and pregnant" come in for the west??????

Seems like again another departure from our true western traditions just like in our monetary system.

At some point all of this went off the rails...


Tom Hickey said...

Matt, Ravi Batra deals with the position of women in society under the four different types of rule. It is only under warrior rule that women have been treated well, often honored, and at times even permitted to assume some power. Warriors are chivalrous, the rest not so much. Moreover, warriors are secure in their power and women are not perceived as a threat, therefore, are allowed to share in it. In addition, warriors prefer to deal with peers so they tend to chose strong companions.

Things took an especially darker turn for women under post-Augustinian Christendom. See Adam, Eve, and the Serpent by Elaine Pagels, reviewed by Frank Thomas Smith for the historical reasons.

Jim said...

If it's so personally empowering, how come every self-described feminist I have ever met is dreadfully, miserably, unhappy?

WHat even funny is these old shrews still going on about the "patriarchy" when we been living in a full blown matriarchy, with all of it's attendant social ills, for at least the last 30 years:

It's your world now, ladies: good luck with it!

Senexx said...

Negative Political Opinion Within:

The problem with the feminist agenda is it has become an agenda of misandry.

On a positive note, socio-cultural adaptation and the positive use of the word Vagina is becoming mainstream, even as chic geek Felicia Day does a book club on Google Hangouts and posts it to her YouTube Geek and Sundry channel called #vaginalfantasy

I've never really followed it up so I hope I got that bit right.

On topic: I recently read this article and was surprised to see it here. My immediate thought after reading the article was there was no reason you could not transpose the female for the male and come to the same conclusions.

And then I never gave it another thought.

Matt Franko said...


AT your reference this woman writes:

"The author of 1 Timothy recalls Eve’s sin and commands that woman must "Learn in silence with all humility. I permit no woman to teach"

The 'author of Timothy' recalls NO SUCH THING.

Here is the scripture: "Adam was not seduced, yet the woman, being deluded, has come to be in the transgression"

SHE WAS DELUDED and came into transgression, there is no mention of "sin" here.

Paul reveals that within the body today they have 'evangelists, pastors, and teachers'. (like Batra's 'acquirers, laborers, intellectuals')

"11 And the same One gives these, indeed, as apostles, yet these as prophets, yet these as evangelists, yet these as pastors and teachers,
12 toward the adjusting of the saints for the work of dispensing
, for the upbuilding of the body of Christ,"

Paul is directing the ecclesia that women should not be put in the role of teachers, but that leaves open the other 2 roles of evangelists and pastors... AND Paul is only talking about women's roles WITHIN THE ECCLESIA in the work of the dispensation of the evangel of the grace of God, not 'life in general'.

How Christendom ever made the leap that somehow these doctrines from Paul specifically about how the ecclesia was organized applied out of these bounds and to all human daily earthly socio-economic relationships is beyond my comprehension...


Anonymous said...

In the USA, women have corrupted the state to enslave men. The onerous taxes/social programs go to the benefit of the women. Look at

For more evidence on female dominance. I have so many male friends that are in jail or destitute while crackhead ex-wives get unfair advantages in court, social support systems, business, employment, etc.

I was not aware how deeply rooted this female power phenomena was until I began travelling the world. In mexico I saw the catholic churches take in abandoned female children, while male children wondered the streets and starved to death. In western europe I saw old homeless men everywhere, almost NEVER an old homeless woman. I started asking people why is thier this huge discrepancy from cradle to grave in various socieities all over the planet where female children to old female homeless have such HUGE differences to thier male counterparts in the support they receive and societal advantages.

A social experiment any of you can do in the west to see how disadvantaged men are, my girlfriend and I would go into any establishment, retail, religous, industrial, it doesn't matter, and as the man try to get help, or make and acquantaince, get a phone number or help with a tire change, then have the woman do the same, completely different response, always HEAVILY favoring the woman.

This starts very young too, I constantly walk through the malls and see little princess showered with affection and new clothes, while most often the male child is treated like a third class citizen by his own family.

I was recently on a cruise ship where they had t-shirts for little girls that said "throw rocks at boys - their stupid" I told the cruise line if they didn't take those shirts out of thier ships I would stop sailing with them, they didn't take the shirts out.

I feel the majority of feminists I have met are not about "equality" or they would be OUTRAGED as I am how from birth the male children in various societies I see are treated like dirt next to the female children, they would be OUTRAGED at the unfair advantaged the court and DFACS system gives to women who are very unfit mothers over the man, but she has a vagina so she wins almost always.

There may have been a time when women were surpressed, but today I feel so trapped by the system and society I live in constantly being encroached by females taking away my rights and freedoms because they have a vagina. I constantly read about male teachers doing many years in jail for inappropriate sex with a student, the penalities for a female teacher doing the same or worse, much less jail time if any jail time at all.

Anonymous said...

Jim your link says this:

"Surely it is significant that in the vast feminist literature dealing with the economic miseries of single mothers and their children, there is nowhere any suggestion to return to the Sexual Constitution and the patriarchal family--the only realistic means by which the economic problems of most single mothers can be solved. The entire thrust of this literature is to demand alternate methods of improving the standard of living of female- headed families without going back to the family and the Sexual Constitution which Gilder imagines them to be yearning for. "

Everywhere I look in the west, the whole society has been corrupted to make a MULE out of me to support a welfare system for octomom. She views me as a sucker slave to do her bidding and work my back to the breaking point to support her and her welfare system without having to give me ANYTHING in return other than a smirk and spit in my face. I am not free to let her starve to death if I don't like that whip she breaks across my back as I pick strawberries in the field, I must give her most of my output.

Lawyers and politicians were complicit in this female corruption of our government as it gave them power too. So many divorce lawyers have been made rich sucking my resources away to help my crackhead exwife. I show the court my wife pimps out my daughter to her drug dealer for more crack rock, doesn't matter, she has a vagina, she gets to keep the kids and I get to pay more for her crack habit for bothering the court with facts and the slavery/pimping of my children.

This sucker is going down, I no longer wish to support such a society, in fact I am now so destitute and disgusted by it, I will help enemy agents to destroty this from within.

I am not sure all the points your article makes Jim, but most men I know as they got older, sexually grew bored with thier wives, and sought out younger females. The whole honor and marriage idea was not one of men foisted on women to control them, but one of old women foisted on society to keep men from abandoning them for younger vagina.

The darkness of western vagina has become so destructive that now they want to outsource population growth to the third world, the least healthy and able, this is how selfish they have become collectively. Our nation can no longer depend on our own females for growth, and now we suffer all these immigration issues because we need that population for growth and to keep social security systems working (when thinking in real resource terms)

I used to ask my women friends in church, your vagina is not yours, it was a gift from the universe and god, and back to the universe and god it will go, so why are you so stingy with your vagina, your property, that isn't even yours, but is a gift from god. His first commandment before all others was for you to share that vagina with me, "to go forth and multiply" in genesis, and they threw me out of church.

Tom Hickey said...


Trixie said...
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Anonymous said...

Tom Hickey, as former military I expect better from you sir.

Several base commanders have confirmed that the points I raise here are costing us in our war effort. That our soldiers cannot fight effectively, back home wives are using unfair legal advantages and taking away children and paychecks, seriously disabling our warriors ability to focus and fight.

One base commander overseas told me back when he was a young colonel in texas he met an illegal mexican woman. She got so many scumbag attorneys involved in trying to sue him (to make a long story short apparently she wanted to force him into marriage with her and gain citizenship) that he had to get a general to assign him to S Korea until statue of limitations had transpired.

This is nothing new, both of our presidential candidates are from families who practiced Polygamy. Barack Obama's father and grandfather both practiced it. And if you will study the history of Romney, you will find his grandfather had to flee the USA and move to mexico because of religous intolerance and a corrupted legal system.

As Colin Powell used to say, he was disgusted that people said Barack Obama was a muslim, that it shouldn't matter what his religion is, why can't a muslim be president? Will american society not tolerate religious freedom if it involves a religion where multiple sexual partners are involved? How so 18th century of your country, not 21st. You should all be ashamed, you are not tolerant, you willfully turn a blind eye when such social injustices are spearheaded by your nation. When I went to divorce court, lady justice took off her blindfold when she smelt that vagina juice, pathetic.