Somehow this idiot Walker keeps getting invited to appear in major media venues and promote falsehood. He weaseled his way onto CNBC first thing in the morning after the election and now he has apparently hoodwinked Henry and has wormed onto the Yahoo! Ticker set with more of his nonsense based on his belief in the false notion that "we are out of money".
And all of this after Walker, when confronted with the truth by Mike years ago, admitted here that there is no solvency issue for the US government, demonstrating for us all the power of the truth when deftly wielded.
This is not even interesting media. Typical all one-sided, unchallenged dispensation of false metaphor and impossible mathematics.
All these morons seem to have going for them is regular access to mass media for their semantic ritualistic and repetitive incantation of these false metaphors ("fiscal cliff", "grand bargain", "borrowing from the future", etc..), which for now the weak minded among us are made to blindly accept as truth.
This is easy to fix according to the internet's biggest crackpot, Karl Denninger: "To "fix" the fiscal cliff you must stop deficit spending"
He's stuck short @ SPX 800 or there about. His "remedy" would get us there in a heartbeat. No conflict of interest, however. LOL.
Denninger believes that permanent deflation is the best state for an economy.
Facts will not change his opinions. He is a true believer.
Mike, when are you going to reappear on CNBC? Or Bloomberg?
Denninger believes that permanent deflation is the best state for an economy. y
Deflation rewards risk-free money hoarding. But progress requires taking risks, not money hoarding (cf. "The Parable of the Talents" - Matthew 25:14-30 ).
As the Turkish general said to Lawrence of Arabia: "I am surrounded by cattle."
We are surrounded by morons--pig-headed morons. Mentally lazy morons. Prostitute morons. Morons of every stripe.
We know that Bernanke and Geithner, like Greenspan, are perfectly aware we are not broke, cannot go broke, and that government spending does not come from tax receipts. So why don't they speak up? Because they serve interests whose interest is that this stupid mythology should continue to obfuscate the public discourse and create a veritable tower of babel around finance so that they can continue to plunder and concentrate wealth and power. Lies are everywhere, whether deliberate on the part of knowing shills or unknowing on the part of useful and well-paid idiots, and whether in academia or in politics or in the media.
Fiat money is an incredible invention; it bestows incredible power. Best not to make its nature clear, because it would make the theft on the part of the financial interests impossible. Fiat money must remain essentially in private hands, therefore the chief government officials at Treasury and the Fed must be their representatives.
Another moron:
The Truth is We are Broke
Ideology has the power to totally deviate the intelligence from its task of registering objective reality; and as if it were not in our interest to register objective reality.
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