Friday, November 16, 2012

When the 99% Wake Up, It's "Timmie, Bar the Bank Door"

Lawrence Wilkerson Transcript - Part 2
[Dominant influence by the 1%] -- More Dangerous, Worse Than A Coup

While the 1st part of this article and interview discusses the militarization of the USA, the part on disillusionment of the 99% is far more compelling reading.  Larry Wilkerson may not understand fiat currency, but he does recognize a litany of screwed up processes when he sees them.'s just unbelievable to see when you go to some place like Southern Ohio, or Southern Pennsylvania, or out West where I just was, in Eastern Washington State, [or] in Northern Idaho, and you find people who say things like " I'm going to vote for Mitt Romney, because Mitt Romney is going to restore this economy. ' And you look at them and you say "How?" 'And they can't tell you how, because they can't tell you what's wrong with this economy.

They can't even tell you that, for example, our gross domestic product used to be seventy five percent [75%] manufacturing and maybe twelve percent [12%] services, and that our gross domestic product today is seventy-eight percent [78%] services and less thaneleven percent [11%] manufacturing. And they can't grasp ... what the corporate leadership of this country has done to us.

It's not just exporting jobs to China. It's rape, pillaging, and plundering the country, largely the middle class, and the banks have been their conduits for doing so. And the banks are largely responsible for storing these trillions of dollars of taxpayers'money. They don't understand! But one day they will. One day they will. And when they do, Katie, bar the door!


Roger Erickson said...

"And when you talk about free trade, forget it. There's no such thing as free trade. There never has been. It's a pipe dream, and if it were free trade than it would be, it 'd be predatory capitalism, it'd be all over the world; like Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Chase and everybody else screwing everybody else." p.6

Roger Erickson said...

"Tillerson [of Exxon] has no nationality"

Wow. Just as Thomas Jefferson said.

Roger Erickson said...

Does he know Obama, or what?

"I know President Obama from four years of experience with him. I'm disappointed! I'm disappointed he didn't close Guantanamo. I'm elated that he said "we don't torture!' I'm disappointed that he made a deal with the banks rather than essentially telling them "to put up or shut up'. I would have loved to have seen him nationalize a couple of them. I'm disappointed that he didn't do more things to make America's role in the world a little more positive."

katie said...

I've often thought that MMTers should make a concerted effort to get Paul Jay to call on them more often.

Of course, Paul wouldn't go for "bimbo" language :)