Monday, January 7, 2013

How do Foreigners Keep a Straight Face When US Officials are Visiting?

commentary by Roger Erickson

Even the MICC thinks we're running out of fiat currency? At this point, I'm not sure there's any utility in intervening anywhere in the USA other than revamping Kindergarten and starting over.*

US Senator calls for gradual cut in aid to Israel [but for entirely specious reasons]

JERUSALEM (AP) — In his first visit to Israel, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul is calling for a gradual reduction of American foreign aid.

It's an unlikely place to deliver the message, since Israel is among the largest recipients of American assistance. But Paul said in a Monday meeting with reporters that the U.S. can't afford to keep sending money overseas, even to allies like Israel. He says it would be "harder to be a friend of Israel if we are out of money."

The Kentucky Republican, a longtime opponent of foreign aid, acknowledges he's expressing a "minority opinion" and doubts Congress will cut aid. He insists Washington should first cut aid to countries with strained ties to America, such as Pakistan and Egypt.

Israel gets about $3 billion a year in military aid.


Don't tell me foreign electorates are actually more ignorant than ours! It's improbable that we could be so lucky; and no solace if true.

This story makes my head spin. Forget about Guam tipping over. How much lower can WE sink? Where's OUR political tripping point? Could we conclude it's over when we can't generate enough fiat to fund both political campaigns and college football?**

Think how much "money" we could save by NOT having US Senators flying to distant places to spout such out of paradigm nonsense. Sen. Paul could sit in Kentucky and express such ignorance for free!***

End Times? Surely these are nested signs that we've reached Peak Policy Stupidity. Forget oil, has the human frog reached Peak Boil -  still in a state of bliss?  If there is a goddess, surely she's about fed up with people that won't even listen to themselves?

*Or, just let Kindergarten students run the US Treasury? They might do a better job.

** Who was Sen. Paul's campaign manager? Lewis Carroll? Logicians used to mix fantasy with mathematical rigor, but Paul seems to use only the former. Makes you wonder who his audience is, and who's consuming whom.

*** Why not just pay Congresspeople to repeatedly take their foot out of their mouth, then put it back in again? Or are we already doing that?


dave said...

david gregory was on mtp comparing a household budget to the federal debt. unfucking real the lengths that these scumbags will go to screw over the citizend of this country. there ought to be a law, speaking of which, doesnt canada have a law that prevents faux "news" from being aired?

Matt Franko said...


Gregory cannot see that the govt has this authority, he is completely blind to this ... looks like he is caught up in unbridled libertarianism of some sort...

He just cannot fathom that the civil govt has this authority... ie moron.
