Some of you may be amazed that a Democratic President has, for many years, been so insistent on cutting Social Security. He’s made you believe he is “giving in” for the sake of “compromise,” but in fact, he is as right-wing-ruthless as the Republicans, when it comes to cutting benefits to the middle-and lower-income groups.Monetary Sovereignty
It’s no compromise. He actively want’s cuts. Further, this self-anointed “friend of the middle class” could hardly wait to raise FICA, the most regressive tax in American history.
So what motivates this right-winger in left-wing clothing? Here’s a clue:
The secret: Why Obama really, really wants to cut Social Security
Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Greed seems to be the only thing that explains this. Obama and his friends, democrats as well, all just need the right "cover" before they strike their bi partisan Grand Bargain. Otherwise why do anything at all? The sequester already did it. And why did he make that deal t begin with?
Rodger's assertions here are missing the mark.
If this critical and LARGE net withdrawal of SS/Medicare is removed from the $NFA flows to the non-govt sector (it's about $225B per year), then they risk creating a serious destabilization of the entire system again....
This is not in their interest, or our interest.
We have people sitting in the cockpit who don't know how to fly the plane...
Obama thinks he is being "responsible"...
I don't think Rodger is correct. He thinks Obama is motivated by simple avarice in his pursuit of austerity and the slow motion destruction of the few remaining socialized components of our economy. Alas, I think Obama is just an instinctively conservative man who is a true believer in capitalism and smaller government, who has a very high opinion of his own sobriety and sober rectitude, and who believes it is his mission in life to discipline the rank and file members of the party he heads, people he regards as a disgustingly irresponsible mob of ignorant and entitled spendthrifts who need to learn their place.
He's also a psychically divided, self-hating black man, which explains why affluent white liberals - who are usually closet racists - embrace him so enthusiastically.
What Rodger said about Obama, I said when Obama was first campaigning for president, based on his background in Chicago and Illinois politics. In fact the words I used then were "snake in the grass."
BTW, I don't want to give the impression I am picking on the president. It's the selection process that is the problem.
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