Monday, October 14, 2013

If Our Nation Needs Any Downsizing, It Most Likely Needs To Shed Some Stupid.

Commentary by Roger Erickson

Now that's a discussion you don't like to see playing out in public.

This ain't rocket science, nor religion, nor a question of morality.
It's just Ye Olde Question of what does & doesn't work - & what can and can't survive change. And, of course, what methods can and can't scale up to things beyond what we're doing today.

It's always about the slow vs the agile. The maladaptive vs the adaptive. You know who always survives, by definition. It's only a question of how much time progressives waste while waiting on or arguing with Luddites.

Change used to happen one generation at at time. We no longer have that luxury. We need more agile operations and an electorate with far more agile group intelligence.

No Luddite's plan survives contact with changing reality - not intact anyway. So we ALWAYS need yet another national survival PLAN. A plan not just for personal survival, but a SERIOUS PLAN for our nation to survive our own Luddites. Face it, they're Luddites, and can't catch up. Let's not waste time arguing or fighting with them. Let's just get together, usher senile gram & gramps out of our government, and leave them in in a comfortable rocking chair, with a good view of our dust.

If not, we'll only see more of the following unfolding, in public. When we ALWAYS have far better things to be doing. These are just random. The mass of stupid is getting out of control. Some of it must be shed.

Greed destroyed us all: Faulty monetary policy and insufficient regulation helped — but old-fashioned avarice really tanked the economy

Now I'd call that group stupidity, but you can call it greed if you like.

Tiberius Gracchus ‏@T_Gracchus
@sdtilock [He] warned followers to NEVER trust those who pray in public. [Now we have] evangelics [who] ONLY trust those who pray in public.

Michael Norman‏ @mikenorman
First signs that shutdown is impacting consumer spending.

It's taken THIS long? Well, signs always appear as early as people are looking for them, and are perceptive enough to discriminate signal from noise.

Michael Norman ‏@mikenorman @Salon  
The South is holding America hostage

Roger G Erickson ‏@rgeOps
@mikenorman @Salon No, dumb Luddites r holding adaptive citizens hostage. Change once happened 1 generation at a time. Now we can't wait.

If our nation needs any downsizing, it most likely needs to shed some stupid.

Let's try that before we try lopping off more essential parts?

Anyone with a SERIOUS organizational plan to suggest, please write to me at rge (at) OperationsInstitute (dot) com

We need to get started.

Shedding stupid always requires ramping up more of the same old civic skills, group perceive, group analyze, group act, group assess, GROUP adjust.

We just need to do all that faster/leaner/better. 

Don't bother discussing it with Luddites. It's simply not in their repertoire. There's no point in being angry with either elephants or donkeys. Just focus on domesticating them humanely, according to their skills.

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