Saturday, October 19, 2013

Moron Metaphor Alert: Simpson Unleashed in Jackson Hole

Moron Al Simpleton of the Simpleton-Bonehead Commission appeared this week at an event in Jackson Hole, WY to dispense plenty of false metaphor to do his part to keep many rubes in attendance in the dark on how our US dollar system operates.  Highlighted excerpts:

Speaking to an audience of hundreds Friday at Snow King Hotel, former U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson said the country’s leaders must compromise to govern effectively.

Hosted by a passel of Jackson Hole luminaries including Mayor Mark Barron, Gov. Matt Mead and Wyoming Rep. Keith Gingery, Simpson was characteristically bipartisan in his criticism, but he reserved his most pointed words for programs broadly supported by both parties: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the Department of Defense.

“If anyone even thought we were going to get rid of the president’s signature piece of legislation, like it or not ... there’s something very strange about that,” he said. “An old cowboy in Cody once said that if your horse drops dead, it’s better to get off. Hopefully they learned the lesson.”

“They’re going to kick the same can down the road,” he said. “It’ll be tough to watch.”

The Big Bang Theory says the universe began “800 million years ago,” he said, “and that ain’t even close to a trillion, and we owe 17 of those babies. ”

“The people representing us in Congress ... you see them standing on their hind legs and saying, ‘I know what the problem is,’ and that we can fix it without touching our precious Medicaid, our precious Medicare or our precious defense budget.’ ” Such claims are “terminological inexactitude,” he said, told by a “lying S.O.B.”
So let's see he's got a 'dead horse', a 'can being kicked'.

Then my favorite where he just always picks some sort of large quantity of something and then compares that to the USD stock measure of US Treasury securities that are issued here he brings in the "big bang only 800 million years ago" and then rehashes that we "owe 17 trillion babies" ... LOL!  why not just choose anything! 

He then asserts the Congress people have "hind legs".

What a moron at work keeping many more rubes in the dark via the always manifest process of false metaphor dispensation.


Roger Erickson said...

You gotta wonder who's holding his leash, attaching the collar and running his obedience-training school.

Koch bros?

Joe said...

Perhaps the funniest part is that the big bang was 13.8 Billion years ago. Looks like he understands as much about science as he does debt and deficits.

mike norman said...

The universe began 800 million years ago? Are you fucking kidding me?

Tom Hickey said...

He's in trouble on both sides of this number, with the scientists and the Fundies.