Our AusteriTea Party is just a regional branch office in the insane network.
Jamaica teeters on an economic precipice after years of stagnation
Meanwhile, it's pretty much the same story across the whole Caribbean.
Caribbean blown by winds of financial crisis
And the situation in Puerto Rico may be even worse, for reasons including purely voluntary fiscal stupidity. Puerto Rico may be eligible for a Fiscal Darwin Award, granted permanently to those jurisdictions who show exceptional resolve in managing to commit fiscal suicide.
US Hegemony and Puerto Rico’s Economic Crisis
Jamaica teeters on an economic precipice after years of stagnation
"Virtually every Jamaican is feeling the impact of a protracted economic stagnation, now exacerbated by the austerity mandated by an International Monetary Fund bailout signed earlier this year."
“To ensure Jamaica’s compliance the IMF has required that most of the austerity measures and economic reforms be implemented almost immediately. ... 'Given the scale of the problem and the history of programmes that went off-track establishing credibility is paramount, and for this reason the programme is very front-loaded,' said Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, a senior IMF official."
Meanwhile, it's pretty much the same story across the whole Caribbean.
Caribbean blown by winds of financial crisis
And the situation in Puerto Rico may be even worse, for reasons including purely voluntary fiscal stupidity. Puerto Rico may be eligible for a Fiscal Darwin Award, granted permanently to those jurisdictions who show exceptional resolve in managing to commit fiscal suicide.
US Hegemony and Puerto Rico’s Economic Crisis
See also: Greece of the Caribbean, and who's the latest island nation competing for that title.
The scale of fiat stupidity is truly mind boggling.
Anyone beginning to think that we may not survive this?
The InsaniTea party is becoming a TsunamiTea Catastrophe far worse than the infamous South Sea Mania. This time, the speculators ARE our governments, of the looters, by the looters and for the looters. Yet the 1% can't starve the 99%, if the 99% simply refuse to go hungry.
The scale of fiat stupidity is truly mind boggling.
Anyone beginning to think that we may not survive this?
The InsaniTea party is becoming a TsunamiTea Catastrophe far worse than the infamous South Sea Mania. This time, the speculators ARE our governments, of the looters, by the looters and for the looters. Yet the 1% can't starve the 99%, if the 99% simply refuse to go hungry.

Yet, when I say let's euthanize banking, people scoff.
Or is the theory: "If it lasts until I die, the money system is good enough?"
Don't love your children and grand-children?
I don't agree with the sign the lady carries.
The sign reads: "One day the poor will have nothing left to eat but the reach...". The suggestion being that we'll have to eat the rich.
I say: "If we eat them, we'll be eating shit".
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