Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Novel Variation on Corporate Welfare - Racketeering, Renamed Upper Looting Class Tax Forbearance

(commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

The Top 1% Mostly Gives to the Other 1% ... and Calls it Charity


Fine. Here's a scheme to suggest to your Congress Critter. Since the taxes the Middle Class pay don't go anywhere, or get used for anything ... why not claim that you're effectively giving buying pwoer to the 1% too, and request ... NAY DEMAND! ... a similar tax write off.

In fact, until enough Aggregate Demand materializes to resuscitate the Middle Class, why not just request a holiday altogether, from your currently mandatory donation of Aggregated Demand to the IRS black hole?

If the IRS screams about the apparent deficit in nominal fiat, say "Let them eat 1% demand!"

And if 1% of the population pours into the Country Clubs, and tries to hire enough poor people to shoot other poor people?

Give me Aggregate Demand, or give me fiat death?

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