Tuesday, June 9, 2015

CSM — NATO and Russia aren't talking to each other. Cold war lessons forgotten?

Several times during the cold war, miscommunication almost led to nuclear conflict. Now, amid tensions over Ukraine, Russia and the West are showing a new failure to communicate....
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno says the fall-off in communications is indeed of concern.
"I’m a big believer in no matter how big your disagreements are, it’s important that you continue to have discussions," he says. "In my mind, when you’re not talking, relationships can deteriorate faster because you can misinterpret – you don’t quite understand exactly what’s being said, and you don’t have the opportunity to discuss the most difficult issues," he told defense reporters on May 28.
"I believe we should be having these conversations, but we’re not."...
The Christian Science Monitor
NATO and Russia aren't talking to each other. Cold war lessons forgotten?
Anna Mulrine, Staff writer Fred Weir, Correspondent

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