Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Don Quijones — Democracy on Hold: President of European Parliament Suspends Vote on Secretive U.S.-EU Trade Pact as Tide Turns Against It

Today was supposed to be a historic day — the day when hundreds of MEPs, representing hundreds of millions of European citizens, were to finally get their say on the hugely contentious EU-US trade bill commonly known as TTIP. Granted, the result would not have been binding, but a no-vote would have represented a resounding slap in the face of the European Commission.
Things began fairly auspiciously when, early on Tuesday, The Guardian reported that dissension was growing in the ranks as MEPs threatened to block the trade deal unless it guaranteed states’ rights to regulate over climate, health, and social laws. Now news is emerging that the President of the Parliament, Martin Schulz, has decided to postpone the vote altogether amidst fears that a majority of MEPs might reject the bill....
Elite getting scared of pushback, or just biding time while they grease palms and twist arms?

Democracy in Europe is on life support.

The aim is nothing less that the destruction of social democracy through undermining national sovereignty and the replacement of popular sovereignty with oligarchy and oligopoly.

Ironically, this is the New World Order as a Bircher conspiracy theory coming to fruition as reality in a different form. The Birchers were concerned with the UN rather than the transnational corporatocracy. But they anticipated the threat to national sovereignty from the direction of internationalism.
In other words, one should take the latest developments with a generous pinch of salt. On the bright side, it’s another small battle won by and for the people of Europe (and by extension, the United States of America), as our conniving leaders are forced once again back to the drawing board. However, if there’s one thing of which we can all be sure, it’s that it won’t take long before our leaders come back with a new, even stealthier strategy to force this beastly monstrosity into existence.
That's why capitalism is not reformable. They'll always be baaack!

Wolf Street
Democracy on Hold: President of European Parliament Suspends Vote on Secretive U.S.-EU Trade Pact as Tide Turns Against It
Don Quijones

1 comment:

Ignacio said...

This is the standard procedure in the EU. If some of your corporate agenda is not going to pass, put it on hold (like the EU constitution).

They are pathetic.