Wednesday, June 10, 2015

C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh — Looking to the U.S.

All eyes are focused on the US economy and its performance. The explanations as to what motivates this are residual. With growth in China slowing, India’s economic performance disappointing, Japan still in recession and the uncertainty in Europe resulting from EU brinkmanship with respect to Greece, growth in the US seems to be the only immediate hope for the long awaited recovery from the six years of sluggishness that have followed the 2009 crisis. So, only the US can help.
What this means is that only the US has the capacity to absorb lagging demand globally by again becoming the world's marketplace and greatly expanding its trade deficit to accommodate net exporting counties. 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This is some truly sick and demented stuff. So backwards and twisted is the economics discourse, that a complete non-issue is dominating the entire globe. This is some epic, religious level delusion going on. It would be more unbelievable to me if I werent an atheist. But if 90% of all people on Earth can believe in some form of supernatural magic, I guess its not that far of a stretch that 90% of people can believe in supernatural economics too.

There are real limits everywhere; time, knowledge, resources etc and the one thing that we have an infinite supply of, nominal accounting units, is the thing we are most desperate for.

Reality can be truly depressing at times.