Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Techdirt — Revealed Emails Show How Industry Lobbyists Basically Wrote The TPP

Back in 2013, we wrote about a FOIA lawsuit that was filed by William New at IP Watch. After trying to find out more information on the TPP by filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and being told that they were classified as "national security information" (no, seriously), New teamed up with Yale's Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic to sue. As part of that lawsuit, the USTR has now released a bunch of internal emails concerning TPP negotiations, and IP Watch has a full writeup showing how industry lobbyists influenced the TPP agreement, to the point that one is even openly celebrating that the USTR version copied his own text word for word....
Revealed Emails Show How Industry Lobbyists Basically Wrote The TPP
ht Neil Wilson

1 comment:

Ryan Harris said...

For those of us that spend most of our time fighting against and blocking legislation from companies like Microsoft, Intel, Apple, ESA, Hollywood and the other big billionaire democrat party supporters, it is completely disturbing that they are writing the laws that will replace our patent and copyright laws with even broader over reaching protections to further stifle non-commercial use and development. They already throw kids in jail for fiddling with and replacing the software on devices with home written software because they are prosecuted under "hacking" laws that were intended to prevent NSA type hacking where privacy and secrets are stolen... imagine what these industry reps have in store next to defend their theft of the commons and prosecute our fair use. Sometimes overreach can have unintended consequences, like the GPL license which uses copyright law excesses to ensure liberty and freedom and prevent theft of commons.