Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Brian Murphy — Meet ALEC's (Hoped For) Man in Washington: Scott Walker

It’s a mistake, therefore, to think of ALEC primarily in terms of its documented association with Charles and David Koch. Rather, it’s an organization that facilitates intimate and discreet lobbying opportunities where donors have access to a self-selecting set of willing accomplices drawn from the nation’s fifty state legislatures. Those lawmakers are often pampered on donors’ dimes at the organization’s gatherings. And all of it is tax deductible for the companies because ALEC turns what would ordinarily be lobbying expenses into ‘scholarships’ for state lawmakers to further their educations. So if you’ve ever wondered why voter ID laws, so-called ‘right to work’ laws, attacks on private and public sector unions, attacks on clean air standards and sustainable energy, pro-charter school bills, attacks on college accreditation and teacher certification, laws proposing to centralize rulemaking on energy, pollution, power plants, state pension investments, tort reform, or food labeling seem to pop up in different state capitals seemingly simultaneously, with the identical legalese backed by the same talking points and even the same expert witnesses, ALEC is often the reason.

And now, heading into 2016, one of the group’s most high profile alumni is Scott Walker. It’s possible that no American politician who holds office today has worked harder to successfully advance ALEC’s agenda than Walker. And no previous candidate for the White House has ever owed so much to ALEC at the outset of his campaign.….
If Walker is elected, it won't be Scott Walker that's really POTUS, but rather Alec Walker.

Meet ALEC's (Hoped For) Man in Washington: Scott Walker
Brian Murphy


Random said...

According to Buisness Insider, Rand Paul is attacking Donald Trump for "saying that a single-payer healthcare system "could have worked.""
I don't know Rand, perhaps you can look at the rest of the fucking developed world.

Unknown said...

The other odd as in funny plank of Rand Paul's campaign is his insistence on a flat tax.

I can't wait until someone asks him why he would wish to copy a tax policy that Russia has in place?

Maybe he will ask Mr. Putin to provide American voters with some advice. That should go over well.