Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fox's George Will: #Trumped

Fox News commentator George Will was #Trumped yesterday here:

There can be no better evidence of the truth of Trump's assertion here than this recent gem from Will:
U.S. approaching 'sudden' phase of bankruptcy, George Will tells Utah audience: 
A character in Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" asks Mike Campbell, a hopeless rummy, how he went bankrupt. He says, "I went bankrupt two ways: gradually and then suddenly," said syndicated columnist George F. Will, speaking at an invitation-only luncheon Thursday hosted by Zions Bank. 
"The American people feel, not without reason, we're approaching the sudden phase of that trajectory." 
As Americans insist on certain government benefits, the cost of those entitlements is deferred to future generations.
"There's no way to say this politely. This is a kind of decadent democracy," Will said, adding that the United States "is in the midst of the most predictable crisis in our nation's history."

Hahahaha LOL!  What a moroooon!


The Just Gatekeeper said...

...and in the home state of the great Marriner Eccles nonetheless! What a YUGE disgrace. Hopefully some of the bankers in the audience knew better....

Matt Franko said...

Justin I wonder how much he got paid??!?

Peter Pan said...

What subjects was Trump referring to?

More like talking hairpieces, the two of them, but I digress...