Tuesday, August 11, 2015

PolitRussia — Clever Russian Industrialization

Restructuring the Russian economy is taking place using similar principles as America after independence and through the 19th century. This was known initially as the American System of the American School originated by Alexander Hamilton. It was followed by the National System advocated by Georg Friedrich List

While America did not face sanctions, it did face a powerful British Empire biding its time to take its former colony. Russia is similarly faced with an America that wishes to bring back the good old days of Boris Yeltsin through regime change. And NATO is on the Russian doorstep the way Britain never was able to achieve against the emerging US.

Russia and China are following a similar path of nation-building that the US now decries as illiberal even though the American economy was built on it.

Fort Russ
Clever Russian Industrialization
PolitRussia - translated by Jafe Arnoldski

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