Thursday, August 13, 2015

Scott Adams — Clown Genius

Is Trump a clown or a genius? Scott Adams tells us.

Scott Adams Blog
Clown Genius
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert


Malmo's Ghost said...

I'm still voting for Trump no matter what that pompous ass, Scott Adams, says about him.

Ignacio said...

Trump is the best option right now to shake the political establishment if Sanders doesn't make it against democratic establishment.

Great times for America if Sanders vs. Trump, because it will unveil the corrupt Republic for what it is. Let the Empire raise and wipe out the corrupt Senate of the patricians lap dogs.

Tom Hickey said...

Spoiler if you didn't read the Adams piece.

He predicts Trump wins both the nomination and presidency.

Random said...

Damnit. No spoilers!

Peter Pan said...

Trump to the Senate: "You're fired!"
If only...

Anonymous said...

"I'm still voting for Trump..."

Why? What a waste of energy. To vote is to say the system is legitimate and that a vote has a meaning. Obviously it is a matter of total and absolute indifference which piece of you know what wins the election. The piece-of-you-know-what who wins will follow the wishes of those who put him in office. Do you really think the powers-that-shouldn't-be go along with Obama's key decisions, or is it not rather the case that Obama knows--and better keep firmly in mind--who butters his bread. There is some slack in the system, invariably, but not too much, and certainly not on the essentials. To vote--to actually vote--for Trump is rather like saying I prefer to die in a car crash than in a plane crash, or I prefer a lethal injection rather than the electric chair, or I prefer suicide by jumping rather than by a bullet or by slashing my wrists. If you're on a plane that is going to be shot down that day, it really doesn't matter whether you're flying first class or coach.

Peter Pan said...


Allow the peasants to keep their hopes and dreams. It gives them a stake in the status quo.

If Trump doesn't cut it, we can call on these guys:

Anonymous said...

Yes, that would work. They don' like tha human bean.