Saturday, August 1, 2015

Yanis Varoufakis — Death by Debt: My Response to The German Finance Ministry, by Jeffrey Sachs

Sachs is a debt dove.Jef

Yanis Varoufakis
Death by Debt: My Response to The German Finance Ministry, by Jeffrey Sachs

See also


lastgreek said...

Does Greece “deserve” debt relief? No. The Greek economy has been badly managed for a long time. Would debt relief for Greece be a good idea? Yes.

I noted it in YV's blog with the proper acknowledgement, of course ;)

P.S. I see that Ralph's excellent advice for the Greeks on YV's blog was met with a few nasty sneers :)

Steve said...

Ralph's comments were met with sneers by ONE incessant twit. Hardly a barrage.

Unknown said...

As a defense of the person who said nasty things to Ralph, I would like to say that Ralph has a history of being an avowed racist, with some very odd ideas about the laziness of those who are poor, and have a darker skin than himself. So I would say that the comments were not unjustified. See this comment at the New Economic Perspectives.

Matt Franko said...

Unk, Greeks are not a different race than Anglos, rsp,

Matt Franko said...

Sachs, Varoufakis, Galbraith, etc... All economists from the academe... The only thing for sure is its all going to continue to be f-ed up...

lastgreek said...

Steve D,

There were a few others in the previous thread where Ralph made the exact comment.


I understand that there was no need for "lazy" and such words. But what made the reply to Ralph's post funny was that the poster who made it, besides he being obnoxious and rude, is indeed a racist -- he actually challenged Yves Smith's criticism of Syriza because her real name may have German roots. He also calls me a Turk whenever he gets the chance; but that's ok -- sticks and stones :)

Peter Pan said...

On the beaches of Greece one may find several species of beached whale, known collectively as the Germans and the British. These slow moving mammals are clearly inferior, but can be milked for their Euros.

lastgreek said...


Can't blame the "beached whales" -- the beaches of Greece are spectacular. My wife who is of German heritage (born in Germany, raised in Canada) has been nagging me for years to move to Greece after we vacationed there a couple of times. Give her a choice between Florida, the Caribbean or Greece, and Greece wins hands down. Only problem is what the hell are we going to do there to make a living? If you're rich, yeah, Greece is "Fantasy Island."

Peter Pan said...

Fishing and farming come to mind. Or become a part of the tourism industry. This was the case for my parents (and myself when I was younger). I grew up in rural Quebec, and those are the dominant industries. Except that we have fewer beaches, with summers that are short, humid, and bug infested.

Canada is peaceful, but overrated. I'd emigrate to New Zealand if they would have me.