Monday, March 7, 2016

Matias Vernengo — Health, Education and Bernie Sanders

It is still unclear that Hillary will be the Democratic candidate, and certainly there is a chance for Bernie, but if he is to win it will depend to a great degree on younger voters, and that is related to his health and education proposals.
Naked Keynesianism
Health, Education and Bernie Sanders
Matias Vernengo | Associate Professor of Economics, Bucknell University

1 comment:

Dan Lynch said...

"if he is to win it will depend to a great degree on younger voters."

Bernie has the youth vote locked up.

It's the black vote that is playing the deciding role in the Democratic primary. It's hard to understand why blacks are attracted to Hillary but it's easy to understand why blacks are not attracted to the fuddy old white guy from New England. Forget issues, most people vote based on who they identify with.

In the unlikely event that Bernie gets the nomination, blacks would fall in line behind Bernie but the airwaves will be saturated with attack ads saying that Bernie wants to raise your taxes, take your gun rights, and encourage immigration. Regardless of what polls say now, attack ads work. Just ask Michael Dukakis or John Kerry.