Thursday, June 7, 2018

Andrey Afanasyev — The US State Department quietly declared war on Russia and China

Deciphering the political terms of a senior State Department official, we can conclude that Europe must remain in the zone of influence of Washington at any cost, Turkey will also be under serious pressure for its attempts to pursue independent policy and criticizing Israel. It is possible that the next steps of Washington will lead to aggravation of the situation in Afghanistan. Together, all this suggests that the unipolar world and globalization have failed, the United States has failed to subvert and rebuild the whole world for itself. And this means that geopolitics has not disappeared anywhere, and the confrontation of the Sealand-Mainland has not disappeared anywhere. "Rimland" will again be the battlefield.
The US State Department quietly declared war on Russia and China
Andrey Afanasyev


Konrad said...

The Western Empire is doomed by its own greed. The Empire could have cooperated with Russia and China, but noooo.

Western politicians must have an “enemy” that they can “protect us” from. In this way, politicians live in splendor while we live in squalor.

P.S.: The term “Rimland” refers to the nations that encircle Russia, and which are allied with the Western Empire.

Tom Hickey said...

The rimland is where land power and sea power meet. Since the US "rules the waves," having it up from "Britannia," it has an advantage in contesting the rimland. Thus, the carrier groups and extensive logistical support.

lastgreek said...

Isn't the United States at war with every country? Always? Because empire?

PS: Btw, I wouldn't be surprised if Stormy Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, is a reader of Byzantine history. Yesterday, he opened up another (legal) front against Cohen. You know, it was one front too many that rapidly brought down the Byzanyines in the 11th century -- that and Basil the Bulgar Slayer unfortunately could not have reigned another 50 years :(

Konrad said...

Isn't the United States at war with every country? Always? Because empire?

The U.S. is only at war with nations that defy the Empire by declining the "honor" of becoming a member.